PdfDocument layout [closed]


Hello, I want to generate a PDF with the Android PdfDocument class of the size from a letter sheet. The layout I need must have a form and image. With data aligned in the corners such as date, signatures, sections in boxes, footer, etc.

Searching images on the internet I found a layout that resembles what I need, then, basically, how do I generate the following PDF?

asked by dan_flo10 17.06.2016 в 16:13

1 answer

   //Con esto creas un docuemnto pdf de tamaño DIN A4

   PdfDocument document=new PdfDocument();
   PageInfo pageInfo=new PdfDocument.PageInfo.Builder(595,842,paginas).create();

   Page pagina= document.startPage(pageInfo); //Esto crea la página a crear

   Canvas canvas=page.getCanvas();
    Paint paint=new Paint();
//x, y son los puntos donde quieres pintar el titulo y son puntos PostScript

  int x=50;

 int y=50;




 //pintas más cosas


It really is a laborious job because you have to do a lot of tests of where to put everything.

answered by 09.06.2018 в 22:16