Error opening project in VS2010


They passed me a project in Visual Studio 2010 to modify, but when I try to open it I see some errors and I can not work on it. I attach two images with the errors.

Does anyone have any idea what it could be?

Thank you.

asked by Valerio C 10.06.2016 в 17:42

2 answers


The dialogue on the left is just a warning, you can accept it without problems.

The one on the right is indicating that the code was linked to a code repository, such as Team Foundation, or similar, but if you have access to the repository, you can accept the dialog by temporarily disabling it or the second option to remove it completely.

The image below refers to a type of project of which you do not have the template installed. It does not mean that it is not a project in VS2010, surely it is because I see the solution could open it. You should see if you can edit with the notepad the .csproj and see if it gives a clue as to what type of project it is in order to install the type of template required by the VS. You could also ask who I pass the development that type of project I think.

answered by 10.06.2016 / 18:54
  • The first "error" is just a warning for having downloaded the project from another lada.

  • The second message is probably because they passed you the code that was connected to the TFS and it simply mentions that you no longer have a connection

  • The third and true error is that the version of Visual Studio you have does not support or does not have the extension installed to open the type of project you have.

To find out what kind of project it is:

  • Right click on the project and choose Edit iDismerco.csproj project or open the file .csproj with a text editor.
  • Unicates the <ProjectTypeGuids> section and takes note of the GUIDs
  • Look up the GUID on the internet to find out what kind of project it is, for example on this page: List of Visual Studio Project Type GUIDs
  • Depending on the type of project, it may be necessary to install an extension to open your project, a more advanced edition of VS or simply a higher version is required.
answered by 10.06.2016 в 18:53