my question is this:
There is some way that when generating a query in postgreSql the first row comes out with the following ================, as the following example shows:
campo1 campo2 campo3 campo4
1 =================================
2 dato1 dato2 dato3 dato4
3 dato5 dato6 dato7 dato8
I am using pgAdmin III, not psql console.
with the following code:
r record;
RAISE NOTICE 'nombre1 nombre2';
RAISE NOTICE '================================';
for r in SELECT upper(nombre1), nombre2
from tabla
order by nombre1 desc loop
raise notice'%', r ;
end loop;
I've achieved this:
NOTICE: nombre1 nombre2
NOTICE: ================================
NOTICE: ("dato1", dato2)
NOTICE: ("dato3", dato4)
NOTICE: ("dato5", dato6)
NOTICE: ("dato7", dato8)
some way to modify the output, that does not come out between quotes "", more separate, more beautiful?