Good morning, I need the URLs that are written with # the server automatically write them with% 23 which is the only way it works, some example with the htacces file? please.
Good morning, I need the URLs that are written with # the server automatically write them with% 23 which is the only way it works, some example with the htacces file? please.
Let's see, what you are putting with the characters # is very dark. I personally discourage them altogether (the best would be to use characters that are safe for a url and not have to escape anything, even if the frameworks banque you).
If you want to send that URL to the server (eg click on a link to download a file) I'll make it short:
No matter how you put it, a request to a url like link does not go to send NEVER the hash or what follows.
If you want to actually spit that URL from the server to the client, I recommend you use the functions usually called url encode . These are going to escape unfortunate characters like that in your expected% 23.
In short: there is nothing you can do in your .htaccess but it belongs to you in the software.
Let's see it in particular:
, which contains "Recordings / Tigo". That way can be, call it, a call Ajax.