1 - Wordpress does not process what comes in the url if it is a file or folder on the server, this means that if you create a folder called "blog" in the wordpress root, the server will serve that folder without that goes through wordpress.
2 - Laravel has a "public" folder that is a bootstrap of the application, the require and require_once handles them through the directory structure eg: $app = require_once __DIR__.'/../bootstrap/app.php';
So a possible structure is more or less the following:
Assuming wordpress is in the default folder of apache2 (ubuntu)
/var/www/html -> raiz del wordpress
├── wp-admin
├── wp-content
├── wp-includes
├── .htaccess -> .htaccess del wordpress
└── index.php -> bootstrap del wordpress
link < - wordpress homepage
And assuming you do not have any page / post with slug blog
link - > would give 404 error and / or redirection to the wordpress home (depending on the theme)
Then the laravel app is in another folder
(example running the tutorial /home/code/$ composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel blog
├── app
├── artisan
├── bootstrap
├── composer.json
├── composer.lock
├── config
├── database
├── package.json
├── phpunit.xml
├── public -> raiz de la app laravel
│ ├── css
│ │ └── app.css
│ ├── favicon.ico
│ ├── .htaccess -> .htaccess de laravel
│ ├── index.php -> bootstrap de laravel
│ ├── js
│ │ └── app.js
│ ├── robots.txt
│ └── web.config
├── readme.md
├── resources
├── routes
├── server.php
├── storage
├── tests
└── webpack.mix.js
The way to "create" the folder blog
within /var/www/html
and that this is the public
of the laravel (without having to copy files and make a salad) is through a Symbolic link or symlink
This from console is done like this:
$ ln -s /home/code/blog/public /var/www/html/blog
Now if you go to the corresponding url
link < - laravel homepage
In this case I have the app laravel inside /home/code/
because apache / php need read permissions in the parent folders and not to make permission salad, we declare to /home/code/
in the apache group that can be www-data
(ubuntu / debian) or apache
(red-hat / centos).
It could be in another folder but there you have to play a bit with the permissions and owner / group.
If it is shared hosting or without SSH access (console), you have to start configuring Laravel in order to rename "public" to "blog" and to raise the app from an extra folder, outside the public_html preferably and if not it's possible to arm yourself with a .htaccess.
If the server allows you, you can also create the symlink
with PHP .
Keep in mind that if in the wordpress you create a page with slug blog
this will not be seen because there is already a "blog" folder.