I have a method that allows me to read and load a flat file into the database, read it and separate it until finally loading it into the table. The problem is that I would like to be able to make a "massive load of data" that is, be able to read and load more than one file selected by the user. I currently display the .txt in a list. Help please !!!
public class CargaConciliacion { public boolean leeArchivo (String doc) { boolean process = true; String path="C: // TMP /";
String[] files = getFiles( path );
File InFile = null;
FileReader fr = null;
BufferedReader br = null;
int ultimoRegistro=0;
try {
String anterior="0";
Connection cn3=DataBaseConnectionProvider.getConnectionFruna();
String sql3="SELECT * FROM Conc_Cabezera WHERE numero = (SELECT MAX(numero) FROM Conc_Cabezera) ";
PreparedStatement state3 = cn3.prepareStatement(sql3);
ResultSet res3=state3.executeQuery();
if(res3!=null) {
while(res3.next()) {
if ( files != null ) {
int size = files.length;
int x;
for ( x = 1; x <= size; x ++ ) {
//System.out.println( files[ x-1 ] );
fr =new FileReader(files[ x-1 ]);
br=new BufferedReader(fr);
String sCadena;
String cuenta;
String año;
String n_cartola;
String fecha;
String detalle;
String cargo;
String documento;
String ano_fecha;
String mes_fecha;
String dia_fecha;
String fechaCom;
String sql;
String saldo_inicial= null;
String saldo_final = null;
int cuenta_int=0;
int año_int=0;
int n_cartola_int=0;
int counter=0;
int linea=0;
int counterBD=0;
int numero_cartola=0;
String[] cartola=null;
String anho = null;
Connection cn = null;
Date fechaActual1 = new Date();
Connection cn2 = null;
cn2 = DataBaseConnectionProvider.getConnectionFruna();
String sql2="select count(numero) from conc_cabezera ";
PreparedStatement state2 = cn2.prepareStatement(sql2);
ResultSet res1=state2.executeQuery();
while(res1.next()) {
//Formateando la fecha:
DateFormat formatoHora = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss S");
DateFormat formatoFecha = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy");
System.out.println("Inicio Proceso: "+formatoHora.format(fechaActual1)+" de fecha: "+formatoFecha.format(fechaActual1));
cartola = files[ x-1 ].toString().split("-");
numero_cartola = Integer.parseInt(cartola[1].substring(1, cartola[1].length()-4));
anho = cartola[0].substring(cartola[0].length()-8, cartola[0].length()-4);
fecha = cartola[0].substring(cartola[0].length()-8, cartola[0].length());
while(( sCadena=br.readLine())!=null){
if (linea==3) {
saldo_final = sCadena.substring(36, 47);
sql="insert into Conc_Cabezera values(?,?,?,?,?,?,?);";
cn = DataBaseConnectionProvider.getConnectionFruna();
PreparedStatement state = cn.prepareStatement(sql);
state.setInt(1, ultimoRegistro);
state.setInt(2, Integer.parseInt(anho));
state.setString(3, saldo_final);
state.setString(4, fecha);
state.setString(5, anterior);
state.setString(6, fecha);
DataBaseConnectionProvider.close(cn, state, null);
if (counterBD==0 && linea>3){
cn = DataBaseConnectionProvider.getConnectionFruna();
if (linea>3) {
//sql="insert into Conc_Detalle values("+cuenta+","+año+","+n_cartola+",'"+fechaCom+"','"+detalle+"','"+cargo+"','"+documento+"')";
sql="insert into Conc_Detalle values(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?);";
PreparedStatement state = cn.prepareStatement(sql);
state.setString(1, doc);
state.setInt(2, Integer.parseInt(anho));
state.setInt(3, ultimoRegistro);
state.setString(4, fecha);
state.setString(5, sCadena.substring(51, 96).trim());
state.setString(6, sCadena.substring(36, 47).trim());
state.setString(7, sCadena.substring(29, 36).trim());
state.setString(8, sCadena.substring(96, 97).trim());
if (counterBD==50){
DataBaseConnectionProvider.close(cn, state, null);
//Formateando la fecha:
Date fechaActual = new Date();
//System.out.println("Inicio Proceso: "+formatoHora.format(fechaActual1)+" de fecha: "+formatoFecha.format(fechaActual1));
System.out.println("Fin Proceso: "+formatoHora.format(fechaActual)+" de fecha: "+formatoFecha.format(fechaActual));
System.out.println("Lineas: "+counter);
}catch(Exception e){
proceso = false;
} catch (Exception ex) {
proceso = false;
return proceso;
public static String[] getFiles( String dir_path ) {
String[] arr_res = null;
File f = new File( dir_path );
if ( f.isDirectory( )) {
List<String> res = new ArrayList<>();
File[] arr_content = f.listFiles();
int size = arr_content.length;
for ( int i = 0; i < size; i ++ ) {
if ( arr_content[ i ].isFile( ))
res.add( arr_content[ i ].toString( ));
arr_res = res.toArray( new String[ 0 ] );
} else
System.err.println( "¡ Path NO válido !" );
return arr_res;