Error when saving data in Cake - SQLSTATE [23000]: Integrity constraint violation


I have 2 tables, roles and operations and are related in a third table operations_roles . This is my migration file:

$table = $this->table('roles');
        $table ->addColumn('user_id','integer')->addForeignKey('user_id','users','id',array('delete'=>'CASCADE','update'=>'CASCADE'))

$table = $this->table('operations');
 $table ->addColumn('user_id','integer')->addForeignKey('user_id','users','id',array('delete'=>'CASCADE','update'=>'CASCADE'))

$table = $this->table('operations_roles');
$table ->addColumn('operation_id','integer')->addForeignKey('operation_id','operations','id',array('delete'=>'CASCADE','update'=>'CASCADE'))

Everything else is created with [Bake] [1].

So, what happens when I'm going to create a role and assign it to operations already created is that at first it does it right but after the third creation of a role throws me this error:

Error: SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1452 Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails ('prueba1'.'operations_roles', CONSTRAINT 'operations_roles_ibfk_2' FOREIGN KEY ('role_id') REFERENCES 'operations' ('id') ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE)

And the truth is that I do not understand, if you keep 2 roles with their respective operations, why when I create another one does this error return?

EXAMPLE: first I create 2 operations Operation 1 and Operation 2. When I create the role Role 1 I assign operations 1 and 2. I create another role Role 2 with Operation 1 and Role 3 with Operation 2. When I go to edit or add another role with operations returns that error. Be careful if I create a role alone without operations, there is no problem. The problem is when it is saved in operations_roles

asked by Antonio 16.09.2016 в 04:25

1 answer


Well, looking at the date, I do not think it will help you much, but ...

$table = $this->table('operations_roles');

It is assumed that this table is the one generated from a many-to-many relationship between operations and roles , therefore, you must have the primary key of both , in this case, you add the primary key of the table operations


And then you add the primary key of the table roles


But if you notice, you indicate that the table is operations and not roles , I suggest changing this line to the one corresponding to the table of roles.

answered by 13.10.2016 / 07:24