I'm doing a typing dynamics project, I'm using svm (suport vector machine) and I do not know how to classify the variables


my PROBLEM is that I have many dynamic variables, the fixed text is for example "hello world of programming" then my variable is "typing time of each key" (it's just an example) // {a: 10,12,12,10} // {b: 3,2,12,4} // {c: 12,12,12,10} //{d:10,12,12,10}...up to the z

Now I have another variable "error number" example the user typed holi mundu of programming then the values of this variable will be {2 errors, {a, i}, {o, u}}

and so there are around 5 variables (only as an example I put 2), my question is for each variable I have to train the svm? Am I confused, or can global training be done?

asked by hubman 16.09.2016 в 15:31

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