I hope you can help me. I want to connect php with a database created by a third party software using odbc but I can not connect and I can not do table queries, download the driver "DBISAM 4 ODBC Driver" and install, I'm almost sure I have problems with the user that by default I put admin but I'm not sure it's the correct one since I do not know how to find out the user and password this is my script ..
$db = odbc_connect("DRIVER={DBISAM 4 ODBC Driver}; ConnectionType=Local; CatalogName=C:/direccion donde estan guardadas las tablas/Data;","admin","");
$res = odbc_exec($db,"SELECT * FROM Sinventario");
echo odbc_num_rows($res)." rows found";
while($row = odbc_fetch_array($res)) {