How can I connect php with dbisam using odbc?


I hope you can help me. I want to connect php with a database created by a third party software using odbc but I can not connect and I can not do table queries, download the driver "DBISAM 4 ODBC Driver" and install, I'm almost sure I have problems with the user that by default I put admin but I'm not sure it's the correct one since I do not know how to find out the user and password this is my script ..


$db = odbc_connect("DRIVER={DBISAM 4 ODBC Driver}; ConnectionType=Local; CatalogName=C:/direccion donde estan guardadas las tablas/Data;","admin","");
$res = odbc_exec($db,"SELECT * FROM Sinventario");
echo odbc_num_rows($res)." rows found";
while($row = odbc_fetch_array($res)) {
asked by alexander123 29.03.2016 в 22:17

1 answer


Friend I know that the post is old, but you managed to solve it? .. If I'm not mistaken you try to work with the a2 database.

You do it by doing this:

$db = odbc_connect("DRIVER={DBISAM 4 ODBC Driver};ConnectionType=Local;CatalogName=C:/...../Data;","a2server",""); $res = odbc_exec($db," CONSULTA SELECT ");
answered by 26.05.2016 в 02:09