I am trying to compile an Android application that is made in Xamarin through a shared project in order to transport the logic to IOS in the future.
Until today, the project compiled without problems and was installed in the emulator (Nexus 5 with Android 5 API 22) without any problem. However, for nothing, every time I try to install the apk in the emulator I get the error:
To make it better understood, I leave an extract of the compilation output:
2>TASK: Push bin\Release\CompeticionesPalomosAndroid.CompeticionesPalomosAndroid-Signed.apk : /data/local/tmp/CompeticionesPalomosAndroid.CompeticionesPalomosAndroid-Signed.apk completed?:Completed
2>DEBUG RunShellCommand emulator-5554 pm install "/data/local/tmp/CompeticionesPalomosAndroid.CompeticionesPalomosAndroid-Signed.apk"
2>TASK: InstallPackage pm install "/data/local/tmp/CompeticionesPalomosAndroid.CompeticionesPalomosAndroid-Signed.apk" completed?: pkg: /data/local/tmp/CompeticionesPalomosAndroid.CompeticionesPalomosAndroid-Signed.apk
2>Failure [I...
2>DEBUG RunShellCommand emulator-5554 rm "/data/local/tmp/CompeticionesPalomosAndroid.CompeticionesPalomosAndroid-Signed.apk"
2>TASK: DeleteFile rm "/data/local/tmp/CompeticionesPalomosAndroid.CompeticionesPalomosAndroid-Signed.apk" completed?:
2> Deployment failed
2>Mono.AndroidTools.InstallFailedException: Failure [INSTALL_FAILED_NO_MATCHING_ABIS]
2> en Mono.AndroidTools.Internal.AdbOutputParsing.CheckInstallSuccess(String output, String packageName) en /Users/builder/data/lanes/5147/c2a33d8e/source/monodroid/tools/msbuild/external/androidtools/Mono.AndroidTools/Internal/AdbOutputParsing.cs:línea 333
2> en Mono.AndroidTools.AndroidDevice.<>c__DisplayClass94_0.<InstallPackage>b__0(Task'1 t) en /Users/builder/data/lanes/5147/c2a33d8e/source/monodroid/tools/msbuild/external/androidtools/Mono.AndroidTools/AndroidDevice.cs:línea 746
2> en System.Threading.Tasks.ContinuationTaskFromResultTask'1.InnerInvoke()
2> en System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Execute()
2>Ejecución de la tarea "InstallPackageAssemblies" terminada.
2>Tarea "Touch"
2>Parámetro de tarea:Files=obj\Release\upload.flag
2>Parámetro de tarea:AlwaysCreate=True
2>Se creará "obj\Release\upload.flag" porque se especificó "AlwaysCreate".
2>Ejecución de la tarea "Touch" terminada.
2>Se omitió la tarea "MakeDir" debido a una condición falsa (False); (!Exists('$(_ConfigurationCacheDirectory)')) se evaluó como (!Exists('obj\.cache\')).
2>Tarea "WriteLinesToFile"
2>Parámetro de tarea:File=obj\.cache\CompeticionesPalomosAndroid.CompeticionesPalomosAndroid.flag
2>Parámetro de tarea:Lines=ReleaseAnyCPU-s emulator-5554
2>Parámetro de tarea:Overwrite=True
2>Ejecución de la tarea "WriteLinesToFile" terminada.
2>Compilación terminada del destino "_Upload" en el proyecto "CompeticionesPalomosAndroid.csproj".
2>Destino "Install" en el archivo "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio17\Community\MSBuild\Xamarin\Android\Xamarin.Android.Common.Debugging.targets" del proyecto "C:\Users\Jorge\source\repos\CompeticionesPalomos\CompeticionesPalomosAndroid\CompeticionesPalomosAndroid.csproj" (punto de entrada):
2>Compilación terminada del destino "Install" en el proyecto "CompeticionesPalomosAndroid.csproj".
2>Compilación del proyecto "CompeticionesPalomosAndroid.csproj" terminada.
2>Compilación correcta.
2>Error de implementación en Nexus_5_API_22_3
========== Compilar: 1 correctos, 0 incorrectos, 0 actualizados, 0 omitidos ==========
========== Implementar: 0 correctos, 1 incorrectos, 0 omitidos ==========
I find it strange, because according to this, the compilation is correct, but it can not be implemented. I have seen on the internet that, in theory, there must be some rest of the application inside the device, so I have directly cleaned everything to see if it worked. However, it is not working.
The following image shows the references:
On the other hand, this is the structure of the complete project:
The compilation settings are as follows:
- Minimum Android Version: Android 5.1 (API Level 22 - Lollipop)
- Target Android Version: Android 5.1 (API Level 22 - Lollipop)
- Compile with the Android version: Android 5.1 (API Level 22 - Lollipop)
(If something else is needed, ask for it in comments and add it)