Get title of word document with OLEOBJECT PB12.5


No tag for PB 12.5
I have a function that checks the spelling of reports generated in PowerBuilder 12.5, using external windows functions. my problem is on the line:

     ll_Hwnd = FindWindowA ( ls_Null, "Documento1 - Microsoft Word" ).

Hardcode the title of the window to find it faster. if the user has an open word window, he will never find the window and I will not be able to bring it to the front. so my question is if there is any function in OleObject that allows me to read the title of the window. all the examples that I found, save the document by assigning a name and after using the file, they delete it, but they demanded that nothing be saved.

If it works, it works, but if someone knows another way to make the word corrector window go forward, it would be very helpful.

global external functions:

     FUNCTION uInt FindWindowA(string szClass,  string szName) LIBRARY "user32.dll" alias for "FindWindowA;Ansi"
     FUNCTION uInt GetWindow(long hwnd,  long lnextwindow) LIBRARY "user32.dll"
     FUNCTION uInt GetWindowTextA(long hwnd,  ref string titleText, long nMaxCount) LIBRARY "user32.dll" alias for "GetWindowTextA;Ansi"
     FUNCTION boolean BringWindowToTop(long hwnd) LIBRARY "user32.dll"
     FUNCTION boolean SetForegroundWindow(long hwnd) LIBRARY "user32.dll"
     FUNCTION uInt SetActiveWindow(long hwnd) LIBRARY "user32.dll"

PB function:

     Long    ll_Hwnd  
     String  ls_Null 
     OLEObject  Ole_Word 
     LONG           ll_rc, lnStart, lnEnd
     ULONG      hActiveWindow, hData
     uint           HRTF
     ulong          CF_TEXT = 1

     if p_rtf.selectedlength() <= 0 then
        Messagebox("Atención","No hay texto a Revisar",Information!)
        return -1
     end if




     //* Obtener un identificador de la ventana activa.

     hActiveWindow = gu_ext_func.uf_GetActiveWindow()

     //* Abrir el portapapeles con una asociación a la 
     // Ventana activa.
     gu_ext_func.uf_OpenClipboard (hActiveWindow)

     // Registro RTF como formato de portapapeles válido.
     HRTF = gu_ext_func.uf_RegisterClipboardFormatA("Rich Text Format")

     // Obtener datos colocados en el portapapeles
     // En formato de texto.

     hData = gu_ext_func.uf_GetClipboardData (CF_TEXT)

     // Re-enviar el mismo bloque de memoria en el portapapeles
     gu_ext_func.uf_SetClipboardData (HRTF, hData)
     gu_ext_func.uf_CloseClipboard ()

     ole_Word = CREATE OleObject
     ll_rc =Ole_Word.ConnectToNewObject( 'Word.Application' )

     if ll_rc <> 0 THEN 
     destroy ole_Word
     RETURN -1
     end if 

     //Si se pudo crear el Word se crea y muestra el Documento 
     ole_Word.Application.DisplayAlerts = True
     ole_Word.Application.Visible = True
     ole_Word.Application.WindowState = 2

     SetNull (ls_Null)
     // busco la ventana
     ll_Hwnd = FindWindowA ( ls_Null, "Documento1 - Microsoft Word" ) 
     // una vez lo tengo, lo mando al frente

     lnStart = ole_Word.ActiveDocument.Content.Start
     lnEnd = ole_Word.ActiveDocument.Content.End
     ole_Word.ActiveDocument.Range(lnStart, lnEnd).Select


     ole_Word.ActiveDocument.Close( False )
     Destroy ole_Word
asked by a.bermudez 21.04.2016 в 21:05

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