Format Input text with dotted format in thousands and decimal places


I am trying to create a directive or other element that allows me to show formatted an input text as 12.345,67 and to enter the decimal point (,).



Thousand, formatted should be 1,000


Thousand with 53 decimals, formatted should be 1,000,53

In my attempts evidently to put the comma as a decimal gives error.


asked by Theasker 18.05.2018 в 13:58

2 answers


Here I propose this pipe, quite simple to understand and to use as well. Try it and tell me how it went.

import { Pipe, PipeTransform } from "@angular/core";

const PADDING = "000000";

@Pipe({ name: "thousandsPipe" })
export class ThousandsPipe implements PipeTransform {

  private DECIMAL_SEPARATOR: string;
  private THOUSANDS_SEPARATOR: string;

  constructor() {
    // TODO Puedes configurar los separadores que prefieras
    this.DECIMAL_SEPARATOR = ",";

  transform(value: number | string, fractionSize: number = 2): string {
    let [ integer, fraction = "" ] = (value || "").toString()
      .split(this.DECIMAL_SEPARATOR); // Divide entre parte entera y decimal, por la "," en este caso

    fraction = fractionSize > 0
      ? this.DECIMAL_SEPARATOR + (fraction + PADDING).substring(0, fractionSize)
      : "";

    integer = integer.replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, this.THOUSANDS_SEPARATOR);

    return integer + fraction;

  parse(value: string, fractionSize: number = 2): string {
    let [ integer, fraction = "" ] = (value || "").split(this.DECIMAL_SEPARATOR);

    integer = integer.replace(new RegExp(this.THOUSANDS_SEPARATOR, "g"), "");

    fraction = parseInt(fraction, 10) > 0 && fractionSize > 0
      ? this.DECIMAL_SEPARATOR + (fraction + PADDING).substring(0, fractionSize)
      : "";

    return integer + fraction;


You use it in the following way:

<p>{{amount | thousandsPipe}} </p>
answered by 18.05.2018 в 19:24

In the end I found the solution:


import { Component, OnInit, OnDestroy, Input, Output, EventEmitter, forwardRef } from '@angular/core';
import { ControlValueAccessor, NG_VALUE_ACCESSOR} from '@angular/forms';

  selector: 'app-control-value-accessor',
  template: '
    [disabled]="isDisabled" > 

    <p>Modelo del componente input: {{value}}</p>
  providers: [
        provide: NG_VALUE_ACCESSOR,
        useExisting: forwardRef(() => ControlValueAccessorComponent),
        multi: true
export class ControlValueAccessorComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy, ControlValueAccessor {
  //@Input('value') value: string = '1.234,56';
  public valueInputText: string;

  @Input('value') value: number;
  @Output() valueChange: EventEmitter<number> = new EventEmitter<number>();
  private propagateChange = (_: any) => { };
  private propagateTouch = (_: any) => { };
  public isDisabled: boolean = false;

  // Permite números decimales. El \. es para que ocurra sólo una vez
  //private regex: RegExp = new RegExp(/^[0-9]+(\,[0-9]*){0,1}$/g);
  private regexNumber: RegExp = new RegExp(/\d$/g);
  //private regexAny: RegExp = new RegExp(/\D$/g);
  //private copyPasteKeys: string = '';
  private copyPasteKeys: Array<string> = ['Control','Shift','c','v','Insert'];
  private copyPastePreviousKey: string;
  private InitialcopyPastePreviousKey: any;

  // Teclas que permito introducir
  private specialKeys: Array<string> = ['Enter','Backspace','Tab','End','Home','ArrowRight','ArrowLeft','Delete',','];
  //private commaCounter: number; // Contador de comas
  constructor() {  }

  ngOnInit(): void {
    this.copyPastePreviousKey = '';
    this.InitialcopyPastePreviousKey = setInterval(() => {
      this.copyPastePreviousKey = ''; 
    }, 1000);

  ngOnDestroy(): void {
    if (this.InitialcopyPastePreviousKey) {

  onFocus(event: any): void {
    console.log('onFocus ',;
    console.log('onFocus this.valueInputText: ', this.valueInputText);
    if (this.valueInputText == null){
      this.valueInputText = '0,00';
    // Elimino todos los puntos ('.') del string
    let regex = /\./g;
    this.valueInputText = this.valueInputText.replace(regex, '');

  onKeydown(event: KeyboardEvent): void {
    console.log('onKeydown', event.key);
    //console.log('onKeydown event.key: ', event.key);
    if (this.specialKeys.indexOf(event.key) != -1 || String(event.key).match(this.regexNumber) || event.key == ',') {
      if (event.key == ','){
        if (this.commaCounter == undefined) {
          this.commaCounter = 0;
          //console.log('this.commaCounter: ', this.commaCounter);
        }else if (this.commaCounter > 0){
          //console.log('onKeydown preventDefault');
        }else {
      //console.log('onKeydown return: ');
    }else {
      //console.log('onKeydown preventDefault');

  console.log('onKeydown event.key: ', event.key);
  if (this.specialKeys.indexOf(event.key) != -1 || String(event.key).match(this.regexNumber) || event.key == ',') {
    if (event.key == ',') {
      if(',') >= 0) {
  } else if (this.copyPasteKeys.indexOf(event.key) != -1) { // Control de Copy & Paste
    if (event.key == 'Control' || event.key == 'Shift') {
      this.copyPastePreviousKey = event.key;
    console.log('this.copyPasteKeys.indexOf(event.key) != -1: ', this.copyPasteKeys.indexOf(event.key) != -1);
    console.log('this.copyPastePreviousKey == "Control" || this.copyPastePreviousKey == "Shift": ', this.copyPastePreviousKey == 'Control' || this.copyPastePreviousKey == 'Shift');
    if (this.copyPasteKeys.indexOf(event.key) != -1 && (this.copyPastePreviousKey == 'Control' || this.copyPastePreviousKey == 'Shift')) {
    }else {
  } else {
    //console.log('onKeydown preventDefault');      

  onBlur(event: ClipboardEvent): void {
    console.log('onBlur this.valueInputText (antes) ', this.valueInputText);
    // if (this.valueInputText) {
    //   this.commaCounter = this.counterString(this.valueInputText,',');
    // }else {
    //   this.commaCounter = 0;
    // }
    // Elimino todos los puntos ('.') del string
    let regex = /\./g;
    this.valueInputText = this.valueInputText.replace(regex, '');

    this.valueInputText = this.thousandsSeparator(this.valueInputText);
    // console.log('onBlur this.valueInputText (despues): ', this.valueInputText);
    // console.log('onBlur this.parseStringNumber(this.valueInputText): ', this.parseStringNumber(this.valueInputText));
    this.value = this.parseStringNumber(this.valueInputText);
    // console.log('onBlur this.value: ', this.value, typeof(this.value));
  private onChange(event : any): void {
    //console.log('onChange this.valueInputText (antes): ', this.valueInputText);
    this.valueInputText = this.thousandsSeparator(this.valueInputText);
    // console.log('onChange this.valueInputText (después): ', this.valueInputText);
    // console.log('onChange this.parseStringNumber(this.valueInputText): ', this.parseStringNumber(this.valueInputText));
    this.value = this.parseStringNumber(this.valueInputText);
    // console.log('onChange this.value: ', this.value, typeof(this.value));

  onPaste(event: any): void {

   * Allows Angular to update the model (rating).
   * Update the model and changes needed for the view here.
   * @param  {any} value
   * @returns void
  writeValue(value: any): void {
    // console.log('writeValue value: ', value);
    if (value) {
      this.valueInputText = value;
   * Allows Angular to register a function to call when the model (rating) changes.
   * Save the function as a property to call later here.
   * @param  {(_:any)=>void} fn
   * @returns void
  registerOnChange(fn: (_: any) => void): void {
      this.propagateChange = fn;      

   * Allows Angular to register a function to call when the input has been touched.
   * Save the function as a property to call later here.
   * @param  {()=>void} fn
   * @returns void
  registerOnTouched(fn: () => void): void {
      this.propagateTouch = fn;

  private onChangeModel(value: any) {
    //console.log('onChangeModel value: ', value);

  private onTouch(event : any){
    console.log('onTouch event: ', event);
    console.log('onTouch this.propagateTouch(event): ', this.propagateTouch(event));
   * Allows Angular to disable the input.
   * @param  {boolean} isDisabled
   * @returns void
  setDisabledState(isDisabled: boolean): void {
    this.isDisabled = isDisabled;

   * Cuenta las ocurrencias de un string
   * @param  {string} stringToSearch
   * @param  {string} search
   * @returns number
  counterString (stringToSearch: string, search: string): number{
    let i: number = 0;
    let counter: number = 0;
    while (i != -1) {
      i = stringToSearch.indexOf(search,i);
      if (i != -1) {
    return counter;

   * Pone los separadores de miles con punto y coma decimal
   * @param  {string} stringNumber
   * @returns string
  public thousandsSeparator (stringNumber: string): string {
    let resultado: string;
    stringNumber = stringNumber.replace(',','.');
    console.log('thousandsSeparator stringNumber: ', stringNumber);
    let flotante: number = parseFloat(stringNumber);
    let flotanteString = flotante.toFixed(2);
    resultado = flotanteString.replace('.', ',');
    console.log('thousandsSeparator flotanteString: ', flotanteString);
    console.log('thousandsSeparator resultado: ', resultado);
    let pos = resultado.indexOf(",");
    console.log('thousandsSeparator pos: ', pos);
    // string.substr(<desde>, <longitud>);
    while (pos > 3) {
      resultado = resultado.substr(0, pos-3)+'.'+resultado.substr(pos-3, 3)+resultado.substr(pos);
    if (resultado == 'NaN') {
      return '0,00';
    }else {
      return resultado;    

   * Convierte un string con formato 10.000.000,00 a un número 10000000.00
   * @param {string} stringNumber
   * @returns string
  public parseStringNumber (stringNumber: string): number {
    let resultado: string;
    resultado = stringNumber;
    resultado = resultado.replace(/\./g, '');
    resultado = resultado.replace(',', '.');
    return parseFloat(resultado);



answered by 04.06.2018 в 09:38