Build content from several sub elements of an array in PHP


In PHP I receive an array organized in the following way:

[1] => Array
            [id_liturgia] => 0000000001
            [antifonas] => Todos los días me sentaba en el templo...
                           |El Señor me ayuda, por eso no sentía ...
                           |El Señor Jesús se rebajó hasta someterse incluso ...
            [ordenes] => 1|2|3
            [salmos_ref] => Salmo 118, 105-112|Salmo 15|Cántico Flp 2, 6-11
            [temas] => Himno a la ley divina
                       |Cristo y sus miembros.. 
                       |Cristo, Siervo de Dios...
            [intros] => Éste es mi mandamiento... 
                        |Dios resucitó a Jesús...
            [partes] => 5|6|7
            [salmos] => Lámpara es tu palabra para mis pasos...
                        |Protégeme, Dios mío...
                        |Cristo, a pesar de su condición divina...

I explain the situation as clearly as possible:

id_liturgia is a single field.

From the other elements of the array I need to build a content that combines them.

It is generally three psalms, but it could be more than three.

As you can see, each element of the psalm comes in a key of the array with an internal separator | .

The idea is to combine each element to build a text that has the respective parts of:

  • ordenes
  • antifonas
  • salmos_ref
  • temas
  • intros
  • partes
  • salmos

The final result would be:




Every day I sat in the temple ...


Psalm 118, 105-112


Hymn to the divine law


This is my commandment ...




Lamp is your word for my steps ...



The Lord helps me, that's why I did not feel ...


Psalm 15


Christ and his members ..


God resurrected Jesus ...




Protect me, my God ...



The Lord Jesus lowered himself even to submit ...


Canticle Flp 2, 6-11


Christ, Servant of God ...






Christ, despite his divine condition ...

Currently I'm doing it with a explode on each part and then passing the different elements to a function that combines them. Something like this:

function getSalmoCompleto($sOrden, $sAntifona, $sRef, $sTema, $sIntro, $sParte, $sSalmo) 

I would like to know if there would be a simpler way to do it, without having to do explode on each element in antifonas , ordenes , etc and then pass each part of the explode to the function getSalmoCompleto () for me to build the content of the psalm.

asked by A. Cedano 17.06.2017 в 13:37

1 answer


You can pass the array and access directly to each element of the array. $arr[0]['antifonas'] for example to access antifonas.

answered by 17.06.2017 в 13:57