Performing a webpage I find myself with the following doubt at the moment of giving them styles in the CSS document, here a small fragment of a div that I have made:
<div class="row" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#modalAddDir" data-backdrop="static" (click)="addDir()" id="new_dir">
<div class="col" id="cir_mas">
<div id="mas">+</div>
<div class="col" id="con_nu_dir" >
<div id="nueva_dir">
Añadir una nueva dirección
As you can see I have a div with class & id.
However, they ask me to only work with classes when I give them styles in CSS, that is to say that the ids that I have placed do not take them into account. How should I write the classes when I have default classes like "row" and "col" which are sometimes nested and sometimes not, as is the case with the class "col" in my example.
How can I give them different styles when the classes are repeated in different divs and need specific styles without using IDs.