I'm doing an application in angular that is not responsive because you would have to do calculations to redraw. My knowledge of css is very limited, and my problem is that I have the div that loads the tree, that makes vertical scroll if many nodes of the tree are loaded, on top of a control bar. I have calculated the widths and height of the divs in the component.ts and they are loaded in the ngAfterViewInit (). I leave the code of my component.html (the styles go in the html) and the photo of what happens.
<div id="parent" style="display: inline-flex" #parent class="pariente">
<div #tree style="overflow: scroll;border:2px solid black">
<div style="width:220px;">
<tree-root [nodes]="nodes" class="tree-node-leaf" #arbol>
<ng-template #treeNodeTemplate let-node="node" let-index="index" >
<input *ngIf="mostrar <= 0"
(change)="check(node, !node.data.checked)"
{{ node.data.name }}
<canvas #canvas id="canvas" style="overflow-y:scroll;border:2px solid
Tu navegador no soporta canvas.
<div class="menu-inferior" #menu style="display: inline-flex;border:2px
solid black;margin-top:-8px">
<button class="btn btn-success btn-block" #recargar2>RECARGAR</button>
<div *ngFor="let limiteX of limitesX; let i=index" style="padding-
<b>x</b>{{i}}. <input type="text" placeholder="{{ limiteX }}"
<div *ngFor="let limiteY of limitesY; let i=index" style="padding-
<b>y</b>{{i}}. <input type="text" placeholder="{{ limiteY }}"
* I found the problem. It is because the tree-node is loaded with an external library ( library tree ), which generates a div by js I believe, and it is this that expands. The solution maybe to apply a dynamic and negative margin-top to the lower content. * It is not a very elegant solution. To apply it, the only thing that has occurred to me is to create a setInterval function. It works fine, with the only drawback that when regrouping the nodes, for a fraction of a second, the text sneaks up, until the setInterval resets its margin to 0. I had to put the bar up and leave space to avoid effects unwanted.
function() {
if (GeochemComponent.tamtree>yWTree) {
GeochemComponent.debajo.style.marginTop=- (GeochemComponent.tamtree-yWTree)+'px';
if ((GeochemComponent.tamtree-yWTree)<0) {