I must do a method that allows you to add a number to the end of another number without adding it.
For example, I have 15253 and 99, I must add that 99 at the end of 15253, without adding it, that is, it should be 1525399.
I must do a method that allows you to add a number to the end of another number without adding it.
For example, I have 15253 and 99, I must add that 99 at the end of 15253, without adding it, that is, it should be 1525399.
You can do it that easily.
String valorStr = "";
int valor = 15253;
int resultado = 99;
valorStr = valor + "" + resultado; // "1525399"
valor = Integer.parseInt(valorStr); // 1525399
You can concatenate both values if they are of the String type, therefore you must first convert them to this type.
int valor = 15253;
int resultado = 99;
String cadenaResultante = String.valueOf(15253) + String.valueOf(99);
here you would get a string that contains "1525399", now if you want to convert this value to numeric use the method Integer.parseInt () , like this:
int numeroFinal = Integer.parseInt(cadenaResultante);
to get a whole value 1525399
If you want a method with the above, it would be done this way:
private int concatenarNumeros(int valor, int resultado){
String cadenaResultante = String.valueOf(valor) + String.valueOf(resultado);
return Integer.parseInt(cadenaResultante);
you can call the method this way:
int valor = concatenarNumeros(15253, 99);
or -2147483647