I have the following query:
select distinct GETDATE() as Fecha_Actual, f353_fecha_vcto, DATEDIFF(day,
f353_fecha_vcto, GETDATE()) AS Dias_Vencidos,
f353_consec_docto_cruce, f353_total_db, f353_total_cr, f353_total_db -
f353_total_cr AS Valores
from t350_co_docto_contable
INNER JOIN t200_mm_terceros ON
INNER JOIN t353_co_saldo_abierto ON
INNER JOIN t354_co_mov_saldo_abierto ON
INNER JOIN t351_co_mov_docto ON
WHERE f350_id_tipo_docto LIKE 'FV%' AND f200_nit = '1035877400' AND
f350_id_periodo >= '201807' AND f351_id_periodo >= '201807'
AND f353_total_db - f353_total_cr <> 0 ORDER BY Dias_Vencidos
These are the results of the query:
What I need to do is the following:
create in the query a column Vencidos
and add the figures of the field Valores
with the condition that the field Dias_Vencidos
is greater than 0
If the value of Dias_Vencidos
is less than or equal to 0, you will do the same but not in the column Vencidos
if not in a column Corriente