Element does not need a role attribute


Do I have a question about how to fix an error in W3C?

From line 916, column 9; to line 916, column 124

<form role="form" id="widget-subscribe-form" action="../include/subscribe.php" method="post" class="nobottommargin">                    
asked by Fernando Lopez 18.08.2016 в 04:53

2 answers


Even though they already gave you the solution of how to fix your problem. I want to explain the role attribute in HTML5 for the people who might be interested in what it is and what it is for.

The role attribute originates from the ARIA web accessibility standard and has also been incorporated into the HTML5 standard. The most precise definition is the one given in the official document of HTML5:


The "role" attributes allow the creator of a page to add information to their HTML documents that can then be extracted automatically by a machine to obtain information about the purpose of each element of the page.

Blind people with other types of disabilities use special devices and browsers. If a page uses the "role" attributes to describe the purpose of each element, the navigation of those people will be much more pleasant, since their special browser is able to "understand" how the page is created and can read the contents to the user in a much easier way.

answered by 18.08.2016 в 08:46

Apparently the error message describes the problem:


The form element does not need a role attribute

For which this line would be something like that

<form id="widget-subscribe-form" action="../include/subscribe.php" method="post" class="nobottommargin">
answered by 18.08.2016 в 04:56