Problems updating database with java, Field does not have a default value


Good morning,

I have a java program that updates data or inserts data into a table within a database. The program worked perfectly until today, in the table I had created by default through the java program, I added new columns to update them manually. When I run the program again, it gave me the following error: Field 'anywhere' doesn't have a default value , which curiously is the first new column I have included. What I do not understand is, why do I have to define a value for the column anywhere , just like I suppose it will happen to me with the other columns that I have included manually, if in the java program I do not want to update that column? I leave the code:

public class Conectate {
    private String driver ="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver";
    private String cadenaConexion ="jdbc:mysql://localhost/XboxOne";
    private String pass = "";
    private String usuario = "root";
    public Connection con;

    //public Conectate(Map<String,  Map<String, Item>> gamesByCountry, Map<String, String> codesByTitle,Map<String, String> countries) {
    public Conectate(ArrayList<Item> games, final Map<String, String> countries) {    

        try {
            con = DriverManager.getConnection(cadenaConexion, usuario, pass);

            //CREAMOS LA TABLA
            Statement st = con.createStatement();

            st.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS info_XboxOne (id INT AUTO_INCREMENT, PRIMARY KEY(id), "
                    + "anywhere tinyint(1), black tinyint(1), black tinyint(1), fecha_spotlight TIMESTAMP, DWG tinyint(1), GWG tinyint(1),"
                    + "desde timestamp, hasta timestamp, juegos_vault tinyint(1),"
                    + "Juego_vinculado VARCHAR(500), Juego VARCHAR(500), Tipologia VARCHAR (500), Pertenece VARCHAR (500), "
                    + "Nota VARCHAR (10), Descripcion_Ingles TEXT(4000), Descripcion_Castellano TEXT(4000), Pegi VARCHAR(10), Pegi_USA VARCHAR (30) , Descripcion_Pegi VARCHAR(500), Codigo_juego VARCHAR (100),"
                    + "Lanzamiento VARCHAR (50), URL VARCHAR (400), URL_imagen VARCHAR (5000),"
                            + "Argentina VARCHAR (50), Argentina_Oferta VARCHAR (50), Argentina_Gold VARCHAR (50), Argentina_Access VARCHAR (50),"
                            + "Australia VARCHAR (50), Australia_Oferta VARCHAR (50), Australia_Gold VARCHAR (50), Australia_Access VARCHAR (50),"
                            + "Brasil VARCHAR (50), Brasil_Oferta VARCHAR (50), Brasil_Gold VARCHAR (50), Brasil_Access VARCHAR (50),"
                            + "Canada VARCHAR (50), Canada_Oferta VARCHAR (50), Canada_Gold VARCHAR (50), Canada_Access VARCHAR (50),"
                            + "Chile VARCHAR (50), Chile_Oferta VARCHAR (50), Chile_Gold VARCHAR (50), Chile_Access VARCHAR (50),"
                            + "China VARCHAR (50), China_Oferta VARCHAR (50), China_Gold VARCHAR (50), China_Access VARCHAR (50),"
                            + "Colombia VARCHAR (50), Colombia_Oferta VARCHAR (50), Colombia_Gold VARCHAR (50), Colombia_Access VARCHAR (50),"
                            + "Espanya VARCHAR (50), Espanya_Oferta VARCHAR (50), Espanya_Gold VARCHAR (50), Espanya_Access VARCHAR (50),"
                            + "USA VARCHAR (50), USA_Oferta VARCHAR (50), USA_Gold VARCHAR (50), USA_Access VARCHAR (50),"
                            + "Hong_Kong VARCHAR (50), Hong_Kong_Oferta VARCHAR (50), Hong_Kong_Gold VARCHAR (50), Hong_Kong_Access VARCHAR (50),"
                            + "Hungria VARCHAR (50), Hungria_Oferta VARCHAR (50), Hungria_Gold VARCHAR (50), Hungria_Access VARCHAR (50),"
                            + "India VARCHAR (50), India_Oferta VARCHAR (50), India_Gold VARCHAR (50), India_Access VARCHAR (50),"
                            + "Inglaterra VARCHAR (50), Inglaterra_Oferta VARCHAR (50), Inglaterra_Gold VARCHAR (50), Inglaterra_Access VARCHAR (50),"
                            + "Japon VARCHAR (50), Japon_Oferta VARCHAR (50), Japon_Gold VARCHAR (50), Japon_Access VARCHAR (50),"
                            + "Korea VARCHAR (50), Korea_Oferta VARCHAR (50), Korea_Gold VARCHAR (50), Korea_Access VARCHAR (50),"
                            + "Mexico VARCHAR (50), Mexico_Oferta VARCHAR (50), Mexico_Gold VARCHAR (50), Mexico_Access VARCHAR (50),"
                            + "Rusia VARCHAR (50), Rusia_Oferta VARCHAR (50), Rusia_Gold VARCHAR (50), Rusia_Access VARCHAR (50),"                 
                            + "Singapur VARCHAR (50), Singapur_Oferta VARCHAR (50), Singapur_Gold VARCHAR (50), Singapur_Access VARCHAR (50),"                            
                            + "Sudafrica VARCHAR (50), Sudafrica_Oferta VARCHAR (50), Sudafrica_Gold VARCHAR (50), Sudafrica_Access VARCHAR (50),"
                            + "Taiwan VARCHAR (50), Taiwan_Oferta VARCHAR (50), Taiwan_Gold VARCHAR (50), Taiwan_Access VARCHAR (50)"

                    + ")");              

            System.out.println( "Tabla creada!");            

            for (Item game : games) {
                String titulo = game.getName();

                boolean isInsert;
                try (PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM info_XboxOne WHERE juego = ?")) {
                    ps.setString(1, titulo);

                    try (ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery()) {
                        isInsert = !;

                if (isInsert) { //si se cumple esta condicción significa que el juego no está incluido, con lo que lo metemos
                    try(PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO info_XboxOne (Juego, Tipologia, Pertenece, "
                    + "Nota, Descripcion_Ingles, Descripcion_Castellano, Pegi,Pegi_USA, Descripcion_Pegi, Codigo_juego, URL, URL_imagen,"
                            + "Argentina, Argentina_Oferta, Argentina_Gold, Argentina_Access,"
                            + "Australia, Australia_Oferta, Australia_Gold, Australia_Access,"
                            + "Brasil, Brasil_Oferta, Brasil_Gold, Brasil_Access,"
                            + "Canada, Canada_Oferta, Canada_Gold, Canada_Access,"
                            + "Chile, Chile_Oferta, Chile_Gold, Chile_Access,"
                            + "China, China_Oferta, China_Gold, China_Access,"
                            + "Colombia, Colombia_Oferta, Colombia_Gold, Colombia_Access,"
                            + "Espanya, Espanya_Oferta, Espanya_Gold, Espanya_Access,"
                            + "USA, USA_Oferta, USA_Gold, USA_Access,"
                            + "Hong_Kong, Hong_Kong_Oferta, Hong_Kong_Gold, Hong_Kong_Access,"
                            + "Hungria, Hungria_Oferta, Hungria_Gold, Hungria_Access,"
                            + "India, India_Oferta, India_Gold, India_Access,"
                            + "Inglaterra, Inglaterra_Oferta, Inglaterra_Gold, Inglaterra_Access,"
                            + "Japon, Japon_Oferta, Japon_Gold, Japon_Access,"
                            + "Korea, Korea_Oferta, Korea_Gold, Korea_Access,"
                            + "Mexico, Mexico_Oferta, Mexico_Gold, Mexico_Access,"
                            + "Rusia, Rusia_Oferta, Rusia_Gold, Rusia_Access,"                 
                            + "Singapur, Singapur_Oferta, Singapur_Gold, Singapur_Access,"                            
                            + "Sudafrica, Sudafrica_Oferta, Sudafrica_Gold, Sudafrica_Access,"
                            + "Taiwan, Taiwan_Oferta, Taiwan_Gold, Taiwan_Access"                           
                    + ") VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?"
                            + ",?,?,?,?"
                            + ",?,?,?,?"
                            + ",?,?,?,?"
                            + ",?,?,?,?"
                            + ",?,?,?,?"
                            + ",?,?,?,?"
                            + ",?,?,?,?"
                            + ",?,?,?,?"
                            + ",?,?,?,?"
                            + ",?,?,?,?"
                            + ",?,?,?,?"
                            + ",?,?,?,?"                           
                            + ",?,?,?,?"
                            + ",?,?,?,?"
                            + ",?,?,?,?"
                            + ",?,?,?,?"
                            + ",?,?,?,?"
                            + ",?,?,?,?"
                            + ",?,?,?,?"
                            + ",?,?,?,?"
                            + ")")) {

                        int contador = 13;
                        for (Map.Entry<String, String> e: countries.entrySet()) {   
                            ps.setString(contador,game.getValues().get(Constants.PRICE_NORMAL + " "+ e.getKey()));
                            ps.setString(contador,game.getValues().get(Constants.PRICE_OFFER + " "+ e.getKey()));
                            ps.setString(contador,game.getValues().get(Constants.PRICE_GOLD + " "+ e.getKey()));
                            ps.setString(contador,game.getValues().get(Constants.PRICE_ACCESS + " "+ e.getKey()));
                        ps.executeUpdate(); //aquí es donde me muestra el error Field 'anywhere' doesn't have a default value
                } else {
                    String query = "UPDATE info_XboxOne SET Tipologia = ?, Pertenece = ?, "
                    + "Nota = ?, Descripcion_Ingles = ?, Descripcion_Castellano = ?, "
                    + "Pegi = ?, Pegi_USA = ?, Descripcion_Pegi = ?, juego = ?, URL = ?, URL_imagen = ?,"
                            + "Argentina = ?, Argentina_Oferta = ?, Argentina_Gold = ?, Argentina_Access = ?,"
                            + "Australia = ?, Australia_Oferta = ?, Australia_Gold = ?, Australia_Access = ?,"
                            + "Brasil = ?, Brasil_Oferta = ?, Brasil_Gold = ?, Brasil_Access = ?,"
                            + "Canada = ?, Canada_Oferta = ?, Canada_Gold = ?, Canada_Access = ?,"
                            + "Chile = ?, Chile_Oferta = ?, Chile_Gold = ?, Chile_Access = ?,"
                            + "China = ?, China_Oferta = ?, China_Gold = ?, China_Access = ?,"
                            + "Colombia = ?, Colombia_Oferta = ?, Colombia_Gold = ?, Colombia_Access = ?,"
                            + "Espanya = ?, Espanya_Oferta = ?, Espanya_Gold = ?, Espanya_Access = ?,"
                            + "USA = ?, USA_Oferta = ?, USA_Gold = ?, USA_Access = ?,"
                            + "Hong_Kong = ?, Hong_Kong_Oferta = ?, Hong_Kong_Gold = ?, Hong_Kong_Access = ?,"
                            + "Hungria = ?, Hungria_Oferta = ?, Hungria_Gold = ?, Hungria_Access = ?,"
                            + "India = ?, India_Oferta = ?, India_Gold = ?, India_Access = ?,"
                            + "Inglaterra = ?, Inglaterra_Oferta = ?, Inglaterra_Gold = ?, Inglaterra_Access = ?,"
                            + "Japon = ?, Japon_Oferta = ?, Japon_Gold = ?, Japon_Access = ?,"
                            + "Korea = ?, Korea_Oferta = ?, Korea_Gold = ?, Korea_Access = ?,"
                            + "Mexico = ?, Mexico_Oferta = ?, Mexico_Gold = ?, Mexico_Access = ?,"
                            + "Rusia = ?, Rusia_Oferta = ?, Rusia_Gold = ?, Rusia_Access = ?,"                 
                            + "Singapur = ?, Singapur_Oferta = ?, Singapur_Gold = ?, Singapur_Access = ?,"                            
                            + "Sudafrica = ?, Sudafrica_Oferta = ?, Sudafrica_Gold = ?, Sudafrica_Access = ?,"
                            + "Taiwan = ?, Taiwan_Oferta = ?, Taiwan_Gold = ?, Taiwan_Access = ?"                           
                            + " WHERE Codigo_juego = ?";

                    try (PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement(query)) {
                        int contador = 12;
                        for (Map.Entry<String, String> e: countries.entrySet()) {   
                            ps.setString(contador,game.getValues().get(Constants.PRICE_NORMAL + " "+ e.getKey()));
                            ps.setString(contador,game.getValues().get(Constants.PRICE_OFFER + " "+ e.getKey()));
                            ps.setString(contador,game.getValues().get(Constants.PRICE_GOLD + " "+ e.getKey()));
                            ps.setString(contador,game.getValues().get(Constants.PRICE_ACCESS + " "+ e.getKey()));

    } catch (Exception e) {
                JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "No se ha podido establecer la conexión con la DB" + e);


    public String ConvertirObjectToString(Object Obj) {
    String Str="";
        Str = Obj.toString();
    return Str;


I have put it in the code with a comment, but to make it easier to see the line that marks the error is the following: ps.executeUpdate();

The structure of the table is as follows, although I show the first columns since they are almost 100 in total:

I also leave all the errors you throw at me:

The only thing that occurs to me is to also define a value for the new columns that I have added, but I do not understand why it asks for a value when I understand that I do not have to introduce it with the execution of the program.

asked by JetLagFox 25.04.2017 в 01:05

2 answers


What I see is that there is no default value for those columns and that's why you mark error.

for example:

 Antes:    anywhere tinyint(1)

 Despues: anywhere tinyint(1) default 0

Do not fill in all the fields because I do not know what your default values would be in those columns.

answered by 25.04.2017 / 07:18

It gives you an error in the Anywhere column because it is the first one that needs a value, since the column id is AUTO_INCREMENT and you do not need to pass it value. That is, as in the table you have not put any default value to Anywhere the database expects a value. The most logical thing in my opinion would be to put a default value to 0 or to 1 or insert a value: anywhere tinyint(1) default 0 .

answered by 25.04.2017 в 08:51