this error had already been given to me before and it was corrected, in this case now if I select an element of a select I must make a $ _POST so that it loads me what is related to that select that in this case would be a sub category the code is as follows
in my html I have this select
<div class="row center-align">
<div class="input-field col s12 m6 l6 push-l2">
<select name="categoria" id="categoria">
<option value="" disabled selected>Elija una Categoria</option>
//lo que esta entre las llaves es codigo de un framework que se llama smarty
{section name="cat" loop=$book_categoria.count}
<option value="{$book_categoria[cat].id}">{$book_categoria[cat].texto}</option>
in the javascript file I have the following, unlike previous code in this case I have it within $(document).ready();
var id_book_categoria = $(this).val();
$.post(".select_categoria_subcategoria.php", {id_book_categoria:id_book_categoria},
//aqui es cuando da el error JSON.parse
response = JSON.parse(response);
// $('#rta').html(response);
where you get the $_POST
I have the following
$book_subcategoria = lista_book_subcategorias('',$conn);
// var_dump($book_subcategoria);
for ($i=0; $i < $book_subcategoria['count']; $i++) {
if ($_POST['id_book_categoria'] == $book_subcategoria[$i]['id_book_categoria']) {
$sub_cats[] = array(
'id' => $book_subcategoria[$i]['id'],
'texto' => $book_subcategoria[$i]['texto'],
echo json_encode($sub_cats,JSON_FORCE_OBJECT);
what it is to print in the .PHP the JSON does it well I do not understand why it may be silly but I do not see the error because I have already done similar things.