after changing the name to my pc sqlServer stopped working, and when I try the sqlbrowser service initially I will not leave.
after changing the name to my pc sqlServer stopped working, and when I try the sqlbrowser service initially I will not leave.
For a renamed computer that hosts a default instance of SQL Server, run the following SP's to change the name of the server:
sp_dropserver <old_name>;
sp_addserver <new_name>, local;
If you are changing the name of the SQL server, you must also change the name of the physical server so as not to confuse things. The physical layer is what allows the user to connect using the network or DNS name. Without changing that name, changing the SQL Server internal reference does not make sense since you could not find the name on the network. It can still be referred to as the old name and could be connected with the old name or the IP address. However, things get confused when you try to reference the renamed SQL installation.
To verify that the server was renamed correctly you can use the following select:
Regarding the sqlbrowser
, if it is disabled, go to Panel de control-> Herramientas administrativas-> Servicios
, look for the SQL Server Agent ( SQL Server Agent
). Right click and select Properties from the Start type drop-down menu, change from Disabled to Automatic.
I hope this information helps you.