Basic PDO query


I'm starting with PDO and I have a problem I'm following a course which I'm copying everything at the bottom of the letter but it does not return data when doing a print_r I returned a 1, and in the database I have 3 users already entered with nombre , email y ID

and the truth is that I do not know what the problem could be, I've seen it again and again, I've tried other ways but the result leads me to it.

Thank you in advance

$conexion = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname = prueba', 'root', '');
$result = $conexion ->query('SELECT * FROM usuarios');

foreach ($result as $res)
    echo $res["nombre"]."<br>";
asked by felipe rodriguez 11.07.2018 в 07:55

3 answers


Try running this:

$usuario = 'root';
$contraseña = '';
try {
    $conexion = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=prueba', $usuario, $contraseña);
} catch (PDOException $e) {
    print "¡Error!: " . $e->getMessage() . "<br/>";
$sentencia = $conexion->prepare('SELECT * FROM usuarios');

//Esta salida se acerca más al resultado que buscas
while ($result = $sentencia->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
        echo $result['nombre']."</br>";

It is a script of a question that I answered some time ago, I adapted it a bit for your case, I guess it would be more or less what you are looking for. If you want to see the total answer this here .

PS: Personally I think that if you are going to use PDO, it is highly recommended that you exploit the FETCH functions.

answered by 11.07.2018 в 09:48

Thank you very much everyone for answering, I already found out what my problem was and it is that in the database I was making a space I was leaving it like this

mysql: host = localhost; dbname = test

and it is without spaces, it has to be like this

mysql: host = localhost; dbname = test

thanks for the quick answers

answered by 11.07.2018 в 22:51

I told you that your code should look like this:

$conexion = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=prueba','root','');
$result = 'SELECT * FROM usuarios';
$ejecutaResult = $conexion->prepare($result);

        foreach ($ejecutaResult as $res) {
            echo $res["nombre"].PHP_EOL;

Where as notes the changes are:

  • The query is left in a single variable
  • declare a new variable that will be equal to the connection object and with that same access to the prepare () method and step as   argument the variable that contains my SELECT
  • The previous variable is the same one that will access the execute method, to execute the query
  • Also if you are not passing dynamic values to your query ie variables that modify the result, try using quotes   simple instead of double

    The last variable used is the one that I will try in the foreach and I will place a new alias to go through the columns that is bringing me

    answered by 11.07.2018 в 08:17