I have a problem I do not know how to design the solution.
A group of students can not use that classroom if it is already reserved at that time.
For example, you can not assign a group to a classroom that is already occupied with a specific schedule.
Group1 occupies the laboratory1 from 12:30 to 3:00 so group 2 can not use that laboratory in that timeframe. but if you can use it from 3:00 to 6:00
create table grupo
id_grupo int not null primary key ,
nombre_grupo nvarchar (50),
responsable_grupo int references tprofesor
create table Aula
Id_Aula int ,
Nombre_Aula nvarchar (50),
Ubicacion_Aula nvarchar (50),
Descripcion_Aula varchar(50),
Id_Asignatura int references Asignatura
Some idea how to solve