I am making an invoice in which I can pay 1 or several installments of the contract at the same time. Each payment is saved with the date and time it was made. For example if I pay 3 installments at the same time, all 3 have the same time and date.
My table in MySQL is the following:
CREATE TABLE 'alquiler_renta_detalle'
'codigo_factura' int(11) NOT NULL,
'cuota_renta' text collate utf8_spanish2_ci NOT NULL,
'fecha_cuota_pagada' date NOT NULL,
'hora_cuota_pagada' time NOT NULL,
KEY 'CODIGO_FACTURA' ('codigo_factura')
//aqui he realizado dos pagos, el primero de 3 cuotas y el segundo con 2 cuotas
INSERT INTO 'alquiler_renta_detalle' VALUES (2, '1', '2018-03-11', '08:08:02');
INSERT INTO 'alquiler_renta_detalle' VALUES (2, '2', '2018-03-11', '08:08:02');
INSERT INTO 'alquiler_renta_detalle' VALUES (2, '3', '2018-03-11', '08:08:02');
INSERT INTO 'alquiler_renta_detalle' VALUES (2, '4', '2018-03-11', '08:48:48');
INSERT INTO 'alquiler_renta_detalle' VALUES (2, '5', '2018-03-11', '08:48:48');
My problem is when I'm going to show the payment history, it should come out:
Cuotas: 1,2,3
Cuotas: 4,5
But my throws this:
Cuotas: 1
Cuotas: 1,2
Cuotas: 1,2,3
Cuotas: 4
Cuotas: 4,5
Here I leave the code in php
//conexion a la base de datos
//consulta a la tabla "alquiler_renta_detalle"
$sql = "SELECT * FROM alquiler_renta_detalle WHERE codigo_factura=2 ORDER BY cuota_renta + 0 ASC";
$result = mysql_query ($sql);
<!DOCTYPE html>
<!--si la consulta es correcta comienza el siguiente IF-->
if($result>0) {
while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)){
//$row[4] representa al campo donde fue guardado la hora en la cuota fue pagada
if ($row[4]==$hora_pasada) {
//$row[2] representa el numero de cuota pagada.
echo "Cuotas: ".$cuotas."<br>";
I will be very grateful if someone can help me.