I have to test that when searching for a file by name in a directory it does not exist and I indicate it on the screen. I show you my code, where is the comment of the interrogations is where I have the problem, the rest works correctly:
static void recorrerDirectoriosYCompararPorFicheros(string dir1, string dir2)
System.IO.DirectoryInfo dirOrigenInfo = new DirectoryInfo(dir1);
System.IO.DirectoryInfo dirDestinoInfo = new DirectoryInfo(dir2);
System.IO.FileInfo[] fileDirOrigenNames = dirOrigenInfo.GetFiles("*.*");
System.IO.FileInfo[] fileDirDestinoNames = dirDestinoInfo.GetFiles("*.*");
for (int i = 0; i <= (fileDirOrigenNames.Length) - 1; i++)
System.IO.FileInfo file = fileDirOrigenNames[i];
for (int j = 0; j <= (fileDirDestinoNames.Length) - 1; j++)
System.IO.FileInfo file2 = fileDirDestinoNames[j];
if (file.Name.Equals(file2.Name))
mostrarResultadoComparacionPropiedades(file.FullName, file2.FullName);
Console.WriteLine("\nEl archivo {0} no existe en {1}", file.Name, dir2);
Here I leave the result, it tells me comparison by comparison if it exists or not, what I want is to go through the directory and tell me only once if it exists or not, the file that does not exist is c.txt
Creation date or last modification are NOT the same
The C: \ Projects \ OriginalFile \ a.txt and C: \ Projects \ Carpe files
taDestino \ a.txt are not equal by creation date and last modification
The a.txt file does not exist in C: \ Projects \ TargetFile
The a.txt file does not exist in C: \ Projects \ TargetFile
The a.txt file does not exist in C: \ Projects \ TargetFile
The c.txt file does not exist in C: \ Projects \ TargetFile
The c.txt file does not exist in C: \ Projects \ TargetFile
Creation date and last modification are the same C: \ Projects \ Source_folder \ c.txt and C: \ Projects \ FolderDestin or \ c.txt They are the same by date of creation and last modification
The c.txt file does not exist in C: \ Projects \ TargetFile
The Configuration.ini file does not exist in C: \ Projects \ TargetFile
The Configuration.ini file does not exist in C: \ Projects \ TargetFile
The Configuration.ini file does not exist in C: \ Projects \ TargetFile
Creation date or last modification are NOT the same Files C: \ Projects \ FolderOrigin \ Configuration.ini and C: \ Pr ojects \ Destinationfolder \ Configuration.ini are not equal by date of creation and last modification