instance running with data distributed on multiple disks


I have a hard drive that is filling up and I'm going to add another one. On that hard drive I have a MySQL DB and I want to know if placing another HD can, with that same instance of MySQL, store tables on the new disk, or if I have to have 2 instances of MySQL running on the same PC to do so.

asked by ZiPoTaTo 30.10.2017 в 10:46

2 answers


Marc's answer is correct. However, I would choose to move all the table subdirectory to your new disk (the following example would work in linux)

Since you have mounted the new disk in /var/newdisk , you would have to

  • create a subdirectory for the mysql data (pq imagine that the new disk will host other things)
  • stop the mysql service
  • copy the tables to the new location
  • that would be:

    mkdir /var/newdisk/mysql_new
    sudo service mysql stop
    rsync -avzr /var/lib/mysql/ /var/newdisk/mysql_new/


  • modify the mysql configuration file (usually mysqld.cnf ) and just in case, by copying it to mysqld.cnf.bak in case something goes wrong.
  • change the datadir parameter in that file
  • setting or replacing the existing parameter:

  • restart the mysql service
  • (with sudo)

    sudo service mysql start

    Your original directory is still intact so you can step back by resetting the original configuration.

    answered by 30.10.2017 / 13:11

    Good ZiPoTaTo,

    If you can, to make this option you must use the option that has MYSQL (with InnoDB ) to be able to create and store the tables in another unit that is not the default directory ( file_per_table ).

    First you should put the variable in ON state if it is not:

    //Miramos el estado de la variable
    SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'innodb_file_per_table';
    //Si no está en ON (1) la ponemos en ON
    SET GLOBAL innodb_file_per_table=1;

    An example of how to create a table in a different unit from the one assigned by default is:

    CREATE TABLE nombreTabla (col1 INT PRIMARY KEY) DATA DIRECTORY = '/path';

    This way you are indicating that the table you are creating is going to be stored in the path provided.

    answered by 30.10.2017 в 11:13