I need help, I have the following part of the code:
public void BotonAceptar (View vista){
Intent intent= new Intent (DadesPersonals.this, EAC1.class);
Well, I had thought about doing something like this:
Adreça = (EditText) findViewById( R.id.Adreça );
String adreça=Adreça.getText().toString();
But I get an error.
The program has to do the following:
You have to go back to the EAC1 Class and show me the screen up to this point, but there is just a button that Adreça is hidden and I need to show it.
To explain a little more the operation: My program goes through the EAC screen, I put the name if the program receives a name then unlocks the Adreça button, I can edit it. When I give it to edit it happens to another class that is called Dades. In Dades once I enter the value Adreça and I give Accept takes me to the previous page but of course with the value of Adreça unlocked (ie visible).
How can I do it? thanks.