Error programming a JOB in SQL Server 2008


I am programming a JOB ( DEPURACION_TRAMITE ) on a Remote server, I get the following result ( not programmed ) in this field: Next Execution seen from the monitor of JOB's :

It's just dead, there are no execution error messages, it just does not run, I do not know if it's a user problem or roles on the database or server (we handle a domain of windows network users).

And I get the following error message when I execute the steps manually:

I have already reviewed articles from the internet, but they do not approach the problem I have, because with the same configuration (start dates, period, task authorization, etc) in a local server they work correctly.

NOTE : The other jobs were also created by my user and also "logically" are in the same state.

asked by Fran.J 16.06.2017 в 00:08

2 answers


I think the error is clear: "SQL SERVER AGENT is not currently running ..." Go to the SQL Server Configuration Manager and check that the Agent is running.

With this, you should execute your job. Greetings.

answered by 16.06.2017 / 00:26

You have to start the agent by means of the configuration manager or by sql server management studio, in order to execute your jobs, the error says that the agent is not running

answered by 16.06.2017 в 19:20