Good, how to clean the variables of hour, minutes, and seconds at the end of for
to start me in 0
? thank you I leave my code
using namespace std;
main () {
system ("COLOR E9");
cout<<("\t\t\t\tPrograma reloj\n\n");
int hr=0,min=0,seg=0;
int hora=0,minu=0,segu=0;
cout<<("Marque el numero para la hora\n\n:");
cout<<("Marque el numero para el minuto\n\n:");
cout<<("Marque el numero para el segundo\n\n:");
for ( hr=hora ; hr<12 ; hr++){
for ( min=minu ; min<60 ; min++){
for ( seg=segu; seg<60; seg++){
for ( int mls=0 ; mls<1100 ; mls++){
gotoxy (35,7);
cout << hr <<" : " << min <<" : "<< seg <<endl;