As I can only get the .jpeg files from my directory, I currently have a code that would be the following:
var directoriosE = Directory.GetFiles(@"..\..\Imagenes\Imagenes_Modal\Usuario\"+folder, "*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories).Where(s => "jpeg".Contains(Path.GetExtension(s)));
That code should execute the obtaining of the files with the extension .jpeg, only that I have never worked with linq and I would like to know how to recover the information in format of number of the files with that extension of that directory.
Before I was doing it directly with the pure .GetFiles("Ruta")
and I got it as follows archivos = archivos + directoriosE.Length;
and if I gave the number of files, but gives me all the types of files in the folder now I would like to know the way to limit that.