Python: Error: "function" object is not iterable


I am doing a program that opens a txt, it loads several fields: IDquestion, Question, Answer, AnswerDate and At. In the txt the fields are separated with a "^". I have an error in a function called "Savevalues", to which I associate a button. What this function intends to do is save the values that the user puts in three text fields corresponding to IDquestion, Question and Answer in a txt aided by two functions: "Entitylist_matrix" and "save", when the button is pressed.

def Savevalues():
    IDQuestionlist, Questionlist, Answerlist, AnswerDatelist, Atlist = Entitylist_matrix
    IDQuestionlist = IDQuestionlist + [entryIDquestion.get()]
    Questionlist = Questionlist + [entryQuestion.get()]
    Answerlist = Answerlist + [entryAnswer.get()]
    AnswerDatelist = AnswerDatelist + [0] #Le meto un cero por defecto
    Atlist = Atlist + [0] #Le pongo un cero por defecto

When I run, I get an error in that function that says:


'"function" object is not iterable'

It seems that the problem is in a line that is:

IDQuestionlist, Questionlist, Answerlist, AnswerDatelist, Atlist = Entitylist_matrix

Can not I call a function within another function? o Can I not return variables from another function within a function?

#Abrimos el archivo
#Pasamos el archivo de txt a formato de listas de entidad.
def txt_Entitylist():
    f = open("Questions CE.txt","r")
    filechain =
    #Atención! Asegurate que no hay un caracter EOF después del ultimo "0"
    #Saco Entitylist
    Entitylist = []
    Entitylist = filechain.split("|")
    return Entitylist

#Función para convertir un txt en una matriz

def Entitylist_matrix():
    Entitylist = txt_Entitylist()
    #Partimos Entitylist en una lista de palabras (wordlist)
    wordlist = []
    partx = []
    for x in Entitylist:
        partx = x.split("^")
        a = 0
        while a < len(partx):
            wordlist = wordlist + [partx[a]]
            a = a + 1
    IDQuestionlist = []
    i = 0
    while i<len(wordlist):
        IDQuestionlist = IDQuestionlist + [wordlist[i]]
        i = i + 5
    Questionlist = []
    i = 1
    while i<len(wordlist):
        Questionlist = Questionlist + [wordlist[i]]
        i = i + 5
    Answerlist = []
    i = 2
    while i<len(wordlist):
        Answerlist = Answerlist + [wordlist[i]]
        i = i + 5
    AnswerDatelist = []
    i = 3
    while i<len(wordlist):
        AnswerDatelist = AnswerDatelist + [wordlist[i]]
        i = i + 5
    #Atlist (Delta time)
    Atlist = []
    i = 4
    while i<len(wordlist):
        Atlist = Atlist + [wordlist[i]]
        i = i + 5
    return IDQuestionlist, Questionlist, Answerlist, AnswerDatelist, Atlist

#Función que guarda los datos
def matrix_txt(IDQuestionlist, Questionlist, Answerlist, AnswerDatelist, Atlist):
    file=open('Questions CE.txt','w') #Si lo abres en modo "a", añade datos sin borrar los que ya estaban
    #1º Quitamos los espacios en blanco que nos sobran de AnswerDatelist y Atlist
    #i = 0
    #while i<len(Atlist):
    #    a = str(Atlist[i])
    #    Atlist[i] = a.strip()
    i = 0
    while i<len(Atlist):
          file.write(" "+str(AnswerDatelist[i]).strip()+" "+"^")
          if i + 1 == len(Atlist):
              file.write(" "+str(Atlist[i]).strip()+" ")
              file.write(" "+str(Atlist[i]).strip()+" "+"^")
          i = i + 1

#Función para guardar datos desde línea de comandos
def save():
    matrix_txt(IDQuestionlist, Questionlist, Answerlist, AnswerDatelist, Atlist)

def Savevalues():
    IDQuestionlist, Questionlist, Answerlist, AnswerDatelist, Atlist = Entitylist_matrix
    IDQuestionlist = IDQuestionlist + [entryIDquestion.get()]
    Questionlist = Questionlist + [entryQuestion.get()]
    Answerlist = Answerlist + [entryAnswer.get()]
    AnswerDatelist = AnswerDatelist + [0] #Le meto un cero por defecto
    Atlist = Atlist + [0] #Le pongo un cero por defecto

#Creando una ventanta principal
window.title("Question Editor")

#Creamos un frame como contenedor
frame = tk.Frame(window)

#Creando un campo de texto para question
txtQuestion.grid(row=0, column=1)

#Creando un campo de texto para answer
txtAnswer.grid(row=1, column=1)

#Creando un campo de texto para IDquestion

#Creando un label para el campo de texto "question"
labelQuestion = tk.Label(frame, text="Question", padx=10 )
labelQuestion.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=tk.W)

#Creando un label para el campo de texto "answer"
labelAnswer = tk.Label(frame, text="Answer", padx=10 )
labelAnswer.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky=tk.W)

#Creando un label para el campo de texto "IDquestion"
labelIDquestion = tk.Label(frame, text="IDquestion", padx=10)
labelIDquestion.grid(row=2, column=0, sticky=tk.W)

#Definimos un tamaño mínimo de la fila central delgrid para que quede un espacio entre cada entry y posicionamos el frame
frame.grid_rowconfigure(1, minsize=10),y=140)

#Creando un botón para guardar pregunta y respuesta
btnSave=tk.Button(window,text="Save",command=Savevalues,font=("Agency FB",14)),y=210)

#Iniciamos el mailoop

asked by Mr. Baldan 12.04.2017 в 17:51

1 answer


The error is that you are not calling the function, you are trying to unpack variables iterating over a function, not about its return, as you should:

You do:

IDQuestionlist, Questionlist, Answerlist, AnswerDatelist, Atlist = Entitylist_matrix

When it should be:

IDQuestionlist, Questionlist, Answerlist, AnswerDatelist, Atlist = Entitylist_matrix()

This is:

IDQuestionlist, ..., Atlist = Entitylist_matrix

When it should be:

IDQuestionlist, ..., Atlist = Entitylist_matrix()
#                                              ^^

In the same function Savevalues you make the same error when calling save , it must be save()

In the function% co_of%, you call save with the arguments matrix_txt , IDQuestionlist , Questionlist , Answerlist and AnswerDatelist . These variables have to be global for it to work. In the code I do not see that you define them globally, so it will give you an error. Or define them outside the functions to make them global or pass them to Atlist as arguments.

answered by 12.04.2017 / 18:16