Error traversing the rows of a table in C #


I already have the basic or syntactic structure that should make my loop work, but for some reason I get this error:


Error 20 The foreach statement can not work on variables of   type 'System.Data.DataTable' because 'System.Data.DataTable' does not   contains no public definition for   'GetEnumerator' C: \ Users \ NQ054 \ Desktop \ SGSIA \ App_Code \ Configuration \ Empresa.cs 141 8 C: ... \ SGSIA \

The syntax of my foreach is the following

   foreach (DataRow datos in plantas)

The creation of my table is as follows:

    storedProcedure sp = new storedProcedure("DBSGSIAConnectionString");
   DataTable plantas;
   plantas = new DataTable();
   string planta;
    string query = "select * from v_DatosEmpresa;";
    plantas = sp.getValues(query);
   planta= Convert.ToString(plantas);
asked by David 24.01.2017 в 20:44

1 answer


Change this line:

foreach (DataRow datos in plantas)

for this one:

foreach (DataRow datos in plantas.rows)

This way it can also work:

foreach (var datos in plantas.rows)


You can not iterate the DataTable object, but if you can iterate through the collection of rows it contains, then the error is derived.


answered by 24.01.2017 / 20:58