Singleton example in C ++ apply to QT


Hi, I want to apply this program that is done in c ++ to QT since I do it in another way but it seems not to be the correct one. What I usually do when I use this method, the singleton method, what I do is create a static object but what you have to do is make _instance to the pointer and initialize it the first time it is called. The code in c ++ that I am trying to adapt QT or look for a similar example.

class GlobalClass
    int m_value;
    GlobalClass(int v = 0)
        m_value = v;
    int get_value()
        return m_value;
    void set_value(int v)
        m_value = v;

// Default initialization
GlobalClass *global_ptr = 0;

void foo(void)
  // Initialization on first use
  if (!global_ptr)
    global_ptr = new GlobalClass;
  cout << "foo: global_ptr is " << global_ptr->get_value() << '\n';

void bar(void)
  if (!global_ptr)
    global_ptr = new GlobalClass;
  cout << "bar: global_ptr is " << global_ptr->get_value() << '\n';

int main()
  if (!global_ptr)
    global_ptr = new GlobalClass;
  cout << "main: global_ptr is " << global_ptr->get_value() << '\n';

Someone who knows about it because I could use a similar example very well.

asked by Perl 22.10.2016 в 02:09

2 answers


A simple example of Singleton is as follows:


class GlobalClass
  static GlobalClass* get()
    if ( m_instance == nullptr )
      m_instance = new GlobalClass;
    return m_instance;
  void set_value( int value )
    m_value = value;

  int get_value()
    return m_value;

    delete m_instance;

  GlobalClass() : m_value( 0 )

  static GlobalClass* m_instance;

  int m_value;

GlobalClass* GlobalClass::m_instance = nullptr;

To use it simply:

auto val = GlobalClass::get()->get_value();
answered by 22.10.2016 / 16:41

Dr. Stroustrup recommends that, the place of a "singleton", use a function that returns a reference to a static local object. He gives this example:

X& myX()
    static X my_x {3};
    return my_x;


Another alternative is a header file that I have written: link . It can be used to guarantee the order of initialisation, although the objects are in different compilation units.

answered by 05.11.2016 в 01:36