My database is designed in such a way that the insertion of dates is under the format years / months / days and when sending the content of that control by means of c # to the database, I do not know of the appropriate sentence for convert it and send it under that same format. This data I am capturing through a DataTimePicker
string agregar = "insert into values('" + txtIDUsuario.Text + "'," + "md5('" + TxtContraseña.Text + "'), 'md5',' " + Convert.ToInt16(txtTiposUsuario) + "','" + txtNombresUsuarios.Text + "','" + txtApellidosUsuario.Text + "';'" + Convert.ToDateTime(dataTFNacimiento.Value) + "','" + Convert.ToInt16(txtNumeroUsuario) + "','" + txtCorreoUsuario.Text + "','" + rtxtRedSocialUsuario.Text + "','" + rtxtDireccionUsuario.Text + "');";
There is the complete line of code.