Greetings, I would like you to click on a field of a table as an example <tr><td>Juan</td><tr>
a text field will take this same value, you could help me thank you very much
Greetings, I would like you to click on a field of a table as an example <tr><td>Juan</td><tr>
a text field will take this same value, you could help me thank you very much
Because of the scant information you have provided this is something similar to what you are looking for, using jQuery instead of pure javascript.
$(".name").click(function(){ // Al hacer clic en la función
var value = $(this).text(); // Obtengo el valor del texto cliqueado
$('#miinput').val(value); // Seteo el valor en el campo de texto
<script src=""></script>
<a href="#" class="name">Juan<a>
<a href="#" class="name">Pedro<a>
<a href="#" class="name">Susana<a>
<br />
<input id="miinput" />
Here is an example of what you are looking for.
var a = document.querySelectorAll("table td"); //Buscamos todos los td que exitan en las tablas
if(a != undefined || a != null){ //Verificamos que si existan
for(var b in a){ //Iteramos el array: a
var c = a[b]; //Obtenemos el TD de la iteracion
if(typeof c == "object"){ //Obtenemos solo los objetos
c.onclick = function (){ //Asignamos el evento Click
var tbl = document.querySelector("table"); //Buscamos la tabla
tbl.insertAdjacentHTML('afterend','<p>'+this.outerText+'</p>'); //Insertarmos despues de la tabla el texto que hemos recuperado del TD
<tr><td>campo a</td><td>campo b</td></tr>
It may be necessary to adapt it to your particular needs.
What I understood is that you want to click on a <td>
its value is displayed in a textbox ( <input />
var nameTxt = document.getElementById('txt-nombre');
var peopleTbl = document.getElementById('tbl-personas');
var cells = peopleTbl.querySelectorAll('tbody td');
cells.forEach(function(cell) {
cell.onclick = function() {
nameTxt.value = this.innerText;
<table id="tbl-personas">
<td>Luis Sánchez</td>
<input type="text" id="txt-nombre" />