Android Studio and Bitbucket


It turns out that I did some bad things in my Android Studio code and I have mixed everything without being able to sort it, in my repository I have a copy of the ordered code.

How do I take it to Android Studio? Because if I do a pull it tells me that it is updated.


asked by Nicolas Schmidt 18.04.2016 в 05:02

1 answer


If the error is in the Local Repository.

You have not made push to the code and the badly achieved changes are found locally.

First option

git reset --hard HEAD

We indicate that we will backtrack a commit from HEAD , which in theory must be the last, in turn eliminating any change made.

This is a dangerous method since there is no way to recover the original copy, the changes are permanently undone. Care should be taken when using it, since it is one of the only commands

answered by 18.04.2016 / 08:56