Hello, I am trying to create a class with a method in which I can load js and css dynamically.
The problem is: since some PHP documents are in the root folder and others are in a sub-folder, the path of the js file changes depending on where you are calling. Some I must add "../" and in other cases I should not add it.
since the list of JS files is extensive and repeated in almost all the pages of the system
I have created an array with all the names of the .js documents that I should call
$ListaJs =array(
This is how my folder is distributed ( all the js are in the asset / javascript folder )
in the document carga.php I have the following code
class cargar {
private $direccion ;
function __construct(){
$this->direccion = dirname(__DIR__);
public function loadJS(){
$ListaJs =array(
$script = "";
foreach ($ListaJs as $key => $value) {
//$direccion = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'];
$script .= "<script src='". $this->direccion ."/assets/javascripts/" .$value ." type='text/javascript'></script> </br>";
return $script;
and I call the function either in index.php or in login.php to load the JS in the page ( I do not know if it's ok to use Echo ""; )
// pido que se importe la clase cargar
// instancio la clase
$test = new cargar;
// llamo la funcion
$datos = $test->loadJS();
//imprimo los js
echo $datos;
shows me the following error
How could I solve the error I have tried by initializing the variable $direccion
from the constructor with $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']