Problem with linux console


I am trying to access a folder on my desktop that contains the key to establish the ssh connection with the aws instance.

I have installed the ubuntu bash for my windows system (since I have seen that with the windows console the connection can not be made).

The problem is when I want to cd the folder on my desktop I get the error message:

pd: the directory where I am once I open the bash is the following:

mninety@Mario:~$ pwd
asked by Mario G. Lucas 05.11.2018 в 18:30

1 answer


If you are using WSL (aka "Ubuntu Windows") your C: partition is within /mnc/c/

WSL simulates (it is not a virtual machine) that you are in a virtual machine and recreates an environment separate from your normal Windows installation. This looks like it is mounted within this simulation. It is not an Ubuntu within a Windows, it is a simulation (not virtualization).

So, to access your Windows desktop from your WSL you have to do it to the full path with:

$cd /mnt/c/Users/mario/Desktop/keys

As a recommendation, you can create an alias to access your HOME folder from your WSL with:

$alias winhome='cd /mnt/c/Users/mario'

Or create a symbolic link from your Windows HOME to a folder within your User in your WSL.

$ln -s /mnt/c/Users/mario ~/Documents/windows_home  #o como le quieras llamar.
answered by 06.11.2018 в 16:02