I have this code in Python version 3.6
#! /usr/bin/python
#-*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import pxssh
usuario = open("usuario.txt", "r")
for usuario in usuario.read().split("\n"):
password = open("password.txt", "r")
for password in password.read().split("\n"):
conectar.login("localhost", str(usuario), str(password))
print "Usuario y Password correcto es:"
print "[+] Usuario: {}". format (usuario)
print "[+] Password: {}". format (password)
except :
print "[-] Usuario y Password Incorrecto"
print "[-] Usuario {}". format (usuario)
print "[-] Password {}". format(password)
The problem is the error that he sends me when trying to execute the program which is
File "program.py", line 14 print "User and correct password is:" ^ IndentationError: unindent does not match any outer indentation level
I already searched the internet and I could not find an answer. Help is appreciated.