This is my current view that shows me the deductions of the employees what I need is to show all the deductions of an employee
If you can see here, it shows all of them, what I want is for you to show me all of the 2390 employee, for example, who is the one who has the most
SELECT dbo.Tbl_DetalleDeduccionesEmpleado.DetDedEmpFecha, dbo.Tbl_DetalleDeduccionesEmpleado.DetDedEmpValor, dbo.Tbl_Empleado.EmpNombre, dbo.Tbl_Empleado.EmpApellido, dbo.Tbl_HistorialLaboral.AgeId,
dbo.Tbl_HistorialLaboral.AreId, dbo.Tbl_HistorialLaboral.HisLabEstadoEmpleado, dbo.Tbl_Deducciones.DedDescripcion, dbo.Tbl_DetalleDeduccionesEmpleado.DedId, dbo.Tbl_DetalleDeduccionesEmpleado.EmpId,
dbo.Tbl_Deducciones.DedTipo FROM dbo.Tbl_DetalleDeduccionesEmpleado INNER JOIN
dbo.Tbl_Empleado ON dbo.Tbl_DetalleDeduccionesEmpleado.EmpId = dbo.Tbl_Empleado.EmpId INNER JOIN
dbo.Tbl_HistorialLaboral ON dbo.Tbl_Empleado.EmpId = dbo.Tbl_HistorialLaboral.EmpId INNER JOIN
dbo.Tbl_Deducciones ON dbo.Tbl_DetalleDeduccionesEmpleado.DedId = dbo.Tbl_Deducciones.DedId
perfect Ricardo thank you very much ..