Dear, that error appears because the two tables have a column called user_id, when you place where user_id = 53, the database engine does not know if it is from the table grl_usuarios or from the table grl_usuarios_contacto. To solve this problem, I suggest you place an alias to the table. I leave a query as a suggestion. Greetings.
SELECT usr.numero_empleado, usr.nombre, usr.paterno, usr.materno, usr.fec_nac, usr.estado, usr.genero, usr.edociv, usr.hijos,
usrCon.id_contact FROM grl_usuarios usr
INNER JOIN grl_usuarios_contacto usrCon
ON usr.id_usuario = usrCon.id_usuario
WHERE usr.id_usuario = 53
Or as you have solmante adding one more word to your sentence:
SELECT numero_empleado, nombre, paterno, materno, fec_nac, estado, genero, edociv, hijos,
id_contact FROM grl_usuarios
INNER JOIN grl_usuarios_contacto
ON grl_usuarios.id_usuario = grl_usuarios_contacto.id_usuario
WHERE grl_usuarios.id_usuario = 53