I'm doing an app in Spanish with swift2, but there are things that come out in English like for example when I use the camera from the app it says "Take photo".
How can I change the language to Spanish?
I'm doing an app in Spanish with swift2, but there are things that come out in English like for example when I use the camera from the app it says "Take photo".
How can I change the language to Spanish?
It also happened to me, but I have solved it changing the title programmatically, I'll give you an example:
self.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem.title = "Aceptar"
To change the language when the contextual menu of the camera comes out, you can change it from the following form:
1- You create a file called: Localizable.strings
2- Add the original phrase and the translation
"Choose From Library" = "Coger de la libreria";
"Take Photo" = "Sacar foto";
"Cancel" = "Cancelar";
The information I got from here