Git hub asks me for credentials when doing push


I am working with several github users and I am the administrator for it myself.

I have an account on github, and that account is the one that other users upload their progress, since this is the main project.

The inconvenience is that despite the fact that in the main user I have registered the public keys of all users, git asks them for access credentials when doing push or upload their progress.

Will there be any way that git will no longer request the credentials ?, since they are already registered in the main git user

asked by Kpeski2814 30.05.2018 в 00:37

1 answer


How to use github

You create the repository on github and have each user download the repository, with a git clone :

git clone <url> <nombre-carpeta>

Inside establish your user account

git config "paco"
git config "[email protected]"

the --global is removed so that each user works with their account locally with respect to the project, in this way everything is traceable.

Why use it like that?

  • You have traceability of which user uploads that. If a user A, upload code that causes some incidence, then you can see what that user was, otherwise, as everyone has the same user, you can not see which user uploads that.
  • You can see how much each user has uploaded, what threads they have worked on. Get statistics of each of your cases.
  • Conclusion

    It is not the best practice to do if what you have is an account for several users, what each one would have to do, would be to create each one a github account or the repository you use (bitbucket, gitlab, etc. )

    If you use that way git, you are only taking advantage of the branch option and change history, with its log that gives you the option to go back.

    The solution that I look at is this, since in general it is not the optimal way to use git, since it is a bit 'alternative' to use it, it is like having a ferrari and using it to walk at 30km per hour.

    Links that can help you:

    answered by 30.05.2018 / 11:15