It turns out that I have some problem at the time of continuing with my code which is a task of u, I usually use Javascript, and I'm new to Java, so I do not know many basic things, but having experience programming in another language such as Javascript, I thought that using more or less the same logic that I use in Javascript to do my projects could be used in Java, as it seems that it does not seem ...
The problem is summarized as follows:
I have a separate function called binaryAnt, which returns a value. I then have below that function (Outside the binaryAnt function) my main function, (The one that contains String [] args) called main, it turns out that everything goes great when I use it with its respective parameters in the main, and then a once executed the binaryAnt function with their respective parameters I print the value that is generated, when I do it everything goes perfect gives me the correct value and everything, but ...
If I do something as simple as putting the line of code where I am going to print such value returned in an if, I do not print anything !, and that I verified that it was really entering the if, and I still can not explain why it does not work ...
Any ideas?
here the code:
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Conversor_Binario {
public static int binarioAInt(String binario,int[] limits,String[] arrBinario) {
int numAS = 0;
int j = 0;
int n = 1;
for(int i = arrBinario.length-1 ; i >= 0 ; i--) {
if(i == arrBinario.length-1) {
n = 1;
}else {
n = n*2;
limits[i] = n;
while(j < binario.length()) {
arrBinario[j] = binario.substring(j,j+1);
for(int k = 0; k < arrBinario.length ; k++) {
if(arrBinario[k].indexOf("1") != -1) {
numAS = numAS + limits[k];
return numAS;
public static void main(String[] args) {
PrintStream imprimir = System.out;
Scanner escanear = new Scanner(;
String typeConversion;
String mayuscTypeConversion;
String entradaUsuario;
imprimir.print("¡Bienvenido al conversor binario!, escribe un numero en binario o decimal y lo convertiremos a");
imprimir.print(" su correspondiente equivalente.");
imprimir.print("¿Qué deseas convertir?, escribe D (para convertir de decimal a binario), escribe B (para convertir");
imprimir.print(" de binario a decimal).");
typeConversion = escanear.nextLine();
mayuscTypeConversion = typeConversion.toUpperCase();
imprimir.println("Ahora dame el valor a convertir:");
entradaUsuario = escanear.nextLine();
String[] arregloBinario = new String[entradaUsuario.length()];
int[] limites = new int[entradaUsuario.length()];
//Aquí en este condicional esta el problema... si dejas el contenido fuera del condicional si funciona correctamente.
if(mayuscTypeConversion == "B") {