I'm trying to process files using the GNU Make
tool. The goal is to generate files with the same name , but in different routes .
When this decides to work, I will use it as a template to apply a word processor , and be able to perform various actions according to the variables that happen to it. A preprocessed in the style C / C ++, but on files .js
At the moment, I am dealing with a minimum of routes and files. Later, I will add more.
The hierarchy of routes and files is:
| +--main.js
| +--cdump.js
The Makefile
starts like this:
MAINORG:=$(wildcard src/*.js)
MAINDST:=$(subst src/,build/,$(MAINORG))
MAINFIL:=$(notdir $(MAINORG))
That correctly assigns the variables (checked):
MAINORG -> src/cdump.js src/main.js
MAINDST -> build/cdump.js build/main.js
MAINFIL -> cdump.js main.js
Now, the problem is coming. I try to generate a rule as indicated in Syntax of Static Pattern Rules During the tests, I just show the objective and the requirement :
all: $(MAINFIL)
$(MAINFIL): build/%.js: src/%.js
@echo $< , $@
Which gives me this pretty exit:
Makefile: 14: the target 'cdump.js' does not match the goal pattern
Makefile: 14: the target 'main.js' does not match the target pattern
, cdump.js
, main.js
For trying, I changed the rule, staying like this:
$(MAINFIL): %.js: %.js
@echo $< , $@
Which alters slightly the output:
make: The circular dependency cdump.js < - cdump.js is removed.
, cdump.js
make: The circular dependency main.js