I have created a very basic server and I have opened it to port 80. After seeing that it worked, I decided to make it accessible through the internet.
For this I have opened the port 80 of the router in the ip address of my computer and I have also opened the port in my firewall both input and output. Even so it does not let me connect from another device that is not my computer.
What am I doing wrong?
Thank you very much in advance.
The server connection code is this:
if __name__ == '__main__':
server_address = ('**La ip de mi ordenador**', 80) # Serve on all addresses, port 80.
httpd = HTTPServer(server_address, HelloHandler)
In the router I have open port 80 in TCP and UDP and in the firewall I have four rules that allow the entry and exit of UDP and TCP in port 80.