I have the following code
<td> <?php echo $mostrar['nombre'] ?> </td>
<td> <?php echo $mostrar['tel'] ?> </td>
<td> <?php echo $mostrar['celular'] ?></td>
<a href= "fmodpsi.php?id=" >
<img src="../assets/images/edit.png" onclick="#" />
<img src="../assets/images/delete.png" onclick="#" />
In that modify button I want to send a value of the array, but the table is in HTML, how I send the variable, if I do it in the following way and it does not work for me.
<td> <a href= "fmodpsi.php?id=".$mostrar['id'] >
<img src="../assets/images/edit.png" onclick="#" />
Greetings, thank you.