The way to convert a .jar to an .app file (native to mac) with the JRE inside and ready to run on any mac and in a simple way, is using javapackager:
a simple way to use it is by installing the JDK in MacOS.
We can verify the version of the javapackager in terminal with the following command:
javapackager -version
It will give a result similar to:
Java Packager version 8.0
The way to do it is as follows:
javapackager \
> -deploy \
> -title TituloApp \
> -name NombreApp \
> -appclass \
> -native dmg \
> -outdir ~/Desktop \
> -outfile out \
> -srcfiles elJarQueDeseasConvertir.jar
At the end we will have (in case of selecting ~ / Desktop as output directory) a folder on the desktop called bundles where the file .dmg
Drag & Drop will be with the .app
inside and JRE
integrated to run without installing anything else, only remains to modify the logos and the fund, which is very easy and can be found on the internet how to do it.
Oracle Documentation about javapackager