Run Backtracking algorithm


First of all, during all this time ago I have been using this model to solve my problems with backtracking.

It's a backtraking model made by my university link .

        private void bt() { 
                if(AlgoritmoBT.soloLaPrimeraSolucion  && solucion!=null) exito = true;
                if(!AlgoritmoBT.soloLaPrimeraSolucion  && soluciones.size()>=AlgoritmoBT.numeroDeSoluciones) exito = true;
            } else {
                    for(A a: filtraRandomize(estado,estado.getAlternativas())){  
                            if(isMin() && estado.getObjetivoEstimado(a) >= mejorValor) continue;
                            if(isMax() && estado.getObjetivoEstimado(a) <= mejorValor) continue;
                            if (exito) break;

Example: How to solve the queens problem with the model mentioned above   link

Once I have read the above, I begin with my doubt. I'm trying to get rid of the model mentioned above to make my problems through backtraking, I've been trying to do the following problem:

I have a list with all the groups (of singers (Test.list)) that I can select, I have 9.0 € of budget to contract the groups with the highest number of votes (Maximize votes).

I have enough code made of what I want to achieve:


    public class Objeto{

        private Integer codigo;
        private String nombre;
        private Integer votos;
        private Double precio;
        private Boolean cerca;

        public Objeto(Integer codigo, String nombre, Integer votos, Double precio, Boolean cerca) {
            this.codigo = codigo;
            this.nombre = nombre;
            this.votos = votos;
            this.precio = precio;
            this.cerca = cerca;

        public Integer getCodigo() {
            return codigo;

        public String getNombre() {
            return nombre;

        public Integer getVotos() {
            return votos;

        public Double getPrecio() {
            return precio;

        public Boolean getCerca() {
            return cerca;

        public String toString() {
            return "Objeto [codigo=" + codigo + ", nombre=" + nombre + ", votos=" + votos + ", precio=" + precio
                    + ", cerca=" + cerca + "]";



    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.List;

    public class Test {

        public static List<Objeto> lista = new ArrayList<Objeto>();
        public static Double presupuesto = 9.0;

        public static void main(String[] args){
            lista.add(new Objeto(1,"Caracola1",100,9.0,true));
            lista.add(new Objeto(2,"Caracola2",2,4.0,true));
            lista.add(new Objeto(3,"Caracola3",3,5.0,false));

            BackTraking a = new BackTraking();


    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.List;

    public class BackTracking {

        public List<Objeto> recursividad(Integer indice){
            List<Objeto> res = new ArrayList<Objeto>();

            if(indice == Test.lista.size()-1){
                for(Objeto a : getAlternativas(res)){


            return res;

        public List<Objeto> getAlternativas(List<Objeto> lista) {//Todos los objetos que no sobrepasen el presupuesto y no esten en la lista
            List<Objeto> res = new ArrayList<Objeto>();
            Double coste =>x.getPrecio()).sum();
            for(Objeto a : Test.lista){
                if(!lista.contains(a) && (coste+a.getPrecio()) <= Test.presupuesto){
            return res;


Solution obtained: (

    Objeto [codigo=2, nombre=Caracola2, votos=2, precio=4.0, cerca=true]
    Objeto [codigo=3, nombre=Caracola3, votos=3, precio=5.0, cerca=false]
    Objeto [codigo=1, nombre=Caracola1, votos=100, precio=9.0, cerca=true]

Solution that would have to leave:)

The result obtained would have to be new Objeto(1,"Caracola1",100,9.0,true) since it fulfills that it has 9.0 € of price and the one that greater number of votes has (100).

asked by 30.05.2017 в 15:09

1 answer


Let's analyze your recursion function:

public List<Objeto> recursividad(Integer indice){
    List<Objeto> res = new ArrayList<Objeto>(); <- Nueva lista en cada entrada
    if(indice == Test.lista.size()-1){ 

If the index is less than the test size. list for all cases except the last


I add the object to res, which will be lost when it comes out because it is local


If it's not the last one on the list ... I do not know why the last one is always added ... that's weird

for(Objeto a : getAlternativas(res)){

In theory you are comparing the values, however your set of tests has no one to pass ...


Do you add all the objects that are cheaper than your budget ... and the votes where you look at them?


            return res;

What I see in all this is the following .. I do not understand how you can calculate what you want backtracking, there is no backtracking here, it is a simple search of lesser value. Suppose you can by backtracking, your algorithm should try paths (to go and return, I do not see them here) and compare the two things you need ..

I think this is not the problem to learn backtracking, and your algorithm is missing many things.

answered by 30.05.2017 / 16:27