Print list within another list


I have the following statement:


A teacher takes measurements of the heights of his students in his class.   For each of the 10 students, take the measurements twice a year.   We will make a program that allows us to enter 10 height values   (For the first measurement), and 10 values for the second measurement. the   program will show us a list of the growth experienced for   each student.

I have done this:



while i <= 10:
    primera_altura=float(input("Introduce altura: "))

Obviously it does not work, what I'm trying to do is create a list that has 10 sublists for each student, and then ask the user for a height and add it to field i in the list, so each time you enter a height the will enter in another sublist. The problem is that it gives me an error message saying that it leaves the index of the list.

How could I do it?

Thank you very much.

asked by Marc 03.06.2018 в 17:23

2 answers


What you need is a for cycle, iterate over each item in the list, ask for the value (height) you want to assign to the list and add it to the list, so:



for row in range(var_filas):
    for col in range(var_columnas):
        altura=input("Introduce altura: ")



As you see, all the values in the list start at 0, and what we do is replace them with the number we want.


Is the number of rows in the list and


It is the number of columns in the list, which is the same as saying that there are 10 elements that contain 2 values each.

If you only want to be able to add decimal numbers to the list modify the input, indicating that you can only add floating

altura=float(input("Introduce altura: "))

I hope I have been of help, greetings, luck!

answered by 03.06.2018 / 18:06

You have two problems:

  • while i <= 10 : iterates from 0 to 10, which causes an indexing error since the indexes in Python are base 0, so in a list of 10 elements the Indexes range from 0 to 9, 10 is not a valid index.

  • altura[i][i] : Your sublists are empty, so you can not index them. You can only index if the list contains an element in that position previously. For example, for lista = [[]] , lista[0] is valid, but lista[0][0] not given that the nested list has no elements. For lista = [[1]] , lista[0][0] is valid and returns 1 , but lista[0][1] is not a valid index.

    On the other hand, it should be in any case altura[i][0] for the first measure and altura[i][1] for the second measure.

Or you initialize your nested lists with initial values, eg:

altura = [[0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0]]

or use list.append to dynamically add items to the list.

Instead of a cycle while is more efficient and "pythonic" use a for :

altura=[[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]

for lista in altura:
    primera_altura = float(input("Introduce altura: "))

Always use a for in to iterate over an iterable instead of indexed unless you change the length of the iterable while iterating over it . In this case the for iterates over altura (which is not modified, only the lists that contain it are).


A for is generally preferable to a while whenever possible. Better to use for i in range(10): than% while as you use. Reserve the while for when the number of iterations is not defined in advance.

answered by 03.06.2018 в 18:08